Dear Sir or Madame,
On January 23, 2021 I purchased iGO EU navigation PMU/Europe NavigationPackage ($25.45) and EU Safety Camera Database ($4.27).
During first few months everything was OK. To that end:
1. I had audio warning (beep...beep...beep...) for „approaching“ Safety Cameras (as well visual icons for Safety Camera on the maps)
2. Guiding lady's voice was loud and clear.
Now, during last several months, even though I updated my cell phone (Samsung Galaxy S10) in July 2021, and eventhough I also updated in July 2021 my iGO Navigation („Europe Navigation Package“ and „Europe Safety Camera Database“):
1. I CAN NOT HEAR AUDIO WARNING (beep...beep...) FOR „APPROACHING“ SAFETY CAMERAS (I still have visual icons for Safety Camera)
I have quite high level of techical education, so I checked out so many times my Samsung Galaxy S10 cell phone's setting, as well as my iGO Navigation's setting. To that end I can confirm that:
1. My cell phone's volume for Ringtone, Media, Notifications and System are set to the maximum
2. My iGO Navigation's Sound - Voice, Alerts, Ding and Keys are set to 100%
3. My iGO Navigation's „Silent Mode“ is set to OFF
4. My iGO Navigation's „Voice Guidance“ is set to ON (sometimes, I tried to have it OFF, just for testing purposes, to check if an audio warning has appeared)
5. My iGO Navigation's „Speaker Only“ is set to ON (sometimes, I tried to have it OFF, just for testing purposes, to check if an audio warning has appeared)
6. My iGO Navigation's „Alert Point Warning“ is set to ON
7. My iGO Navigation's „Speed Camera Types“ are set to „Audio and Visual“ and „When Approaching“
So, I'd like to kindly ask you to help me resolve this problem in terms that I can hear again my audio warning for „approaching“ safety cameras, and to advise me on weak/loud guidance's lady voice.
Thank you very much in advance.