I'm using Chinese 2din (400 x234 winCE4.2 64mb) trying hard to run the iGo8 from SDcard but without success.I kept on having this error='program application database cannot be found ' message and I've try all the method in this forum editing sys.txt, try version 8, version 8.34 and also compress version but ended up with the same above error.The system will generate a crash file as state below and hope someone can help.Thanks
------------------ Crash Log Begin -------------------
Current System time: "2052-05-25 14:09:11"
Build: Built @ Aug 29 2009 - 10:48:25
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 29 MB, 928 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 34 MB, 572 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 68 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 4 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 0 MB, 226 KB, 640 B
GarbageSize: 0 MB, 226 KB, 640 B
Process Name PID BaseAddr ParentPID PrioBase
iGO8.exe 0x2fc1ece6 0x0c000000 0x00000000 0x00000003
Modules Name BaseAddr BaseSize
oleaut32.dll 0x03a00000 0x00030000
aygshell.dll 0x03780000 0x0000f000
commctrl.dll 0x03e80000 0x00066000
ole32.dll 0x03a30000 0x00030000
toolhelp.dll 0x03f00000 0x00005000
coredll.dll 0x03f70000 0x00088000
Threads TID BasePrio DeltaPrio
0x0f969a42 251 0
0x2fa15f3a 251 0
Exception: 0xc0000005
At address: 0x03fc246c
Access violation writing address: 0x0c76e000
0x03fc246c (A)
WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \StorageCard\iGO8.map not found):
0x0c509a7c (A)
0x0c509998 (A)
0x0c508b6c (A)
0x0c508f0c (A)
0x0c017940 (A)
0x0c019ac0 (A)
0x03fa7b8c (A)
0x03fb0288 (A)
0x8c2056f8 (A)
0x8c22ef78 (A)
0x8c2097dc (A)
0x8c205610 (A)
0x03fc246c (A)
0x0c04bd10 (A)
0x0c015138 (A)
0x0c015b84 (A)
0x0c40c574 (A)
0x0c40e0fc (A)
0x0c4162c0 (A)
0x0c4151ec (A)
0x0c019064 (A)
0x0c019e7c (A)
0x0c019a68 (A)
0x03f805f0 (A)
0x03f80ba8 (A)
0x0c01ad9c (A)
0x0c01747c (A)
0x0c0178b4 (A)
0x0c540368 (A)
0x03f88ff0 (A)
Global status:
bInFocus: 1
bMouseDown: 0
bInLogic: 0
bInRender: 0
bInIdle: 0
bIn3DRender: 0
bIn3DRoadRender: 0
bIn3DShapeRender: 0
bIn3DLabelRender: 0
bIn3DPOIRender: 0
bIn3DDistRender: 0
n3DCam: (0, 0)
CurrentState[128] =
pos= (x=00000000, y=00000000, z=0, e=0)
------------------- Crash Log End --------------------