Something strange happening to my setup.
Primo 2.0 v9.6.5.245577 and Primo 2.4 v9.6.13.267029 on a SD card.
Content folder shared, maps TT/TA 2012.12 Europe (complete !!)
Licenses are identical
using diMKA skin on both
Issue :
Primo 2.0 : hnr files are indicated red, Europe map set is not complete
Primo 2.4 : has no problems with the hnr files, Europe maps all present
I must admit I am baffled here. Am I missing something?
Anyone has an idea why the same maps are complete and incomplete at the same time?
Primo 2.4 routes perfectly (tested +200 km route), but crashes (device restarts) when after setting destination, pointing to Parking parking place near destination.