No,it did not get noticed. Sorry.
Approved now.
chas521 wrote:@retailguy
Glad to hear you got it going. Believe me, you're not missing anything not using TTS. Susan drove me crazy - she loves to talk. Now, I use a non-TTS voice and I like it better. Also, I don't think I said not to use that other program download. I just said that I don't recommend it because we can't give proper support to something that we know nothing about.
Anyway, good job!
retailguy wrote:
Should I play with Garmin XT next? Or am I just asking for trouble? I found your program, but am clueless which maps I need to use. Is there something that tells me? If so, I can't find it.
retailguy wrote:FBF, I was finally able to play with your program yesterday, but it didn't work. I did get the GPS information in a file on the SD card, but was unable to click off the message. I probably clicked 100 times before I shut the unit down. I guess, as a result, it didn't do the second part of the scan.
Any ideas? I would push the X and the unit would chime but it would never cancel the text box.
chas521 wrote:What program? FBF or me? Post #14?
retailguy wrote:
Instruction #3 says - 3. Choose "connect to a Garmin device."
At the risk of being dense, there is no program to run from the SD card so I'm assuming that I run Garmin.exe from the head unit in the car, correct?
retailguy wrote:FBF, I was finally able to play with your program yesterday, but it didn't work. I did get the GPS information in a file on the SD card, but was unable to click off the message. I probably clicked 100 times before I shut the unit down. I guess, as a result, it didn't do the second part of the scan.
Any ideas? I would push the X and the unit would chime but it would never cancel the text box.
Fatboyfun wrote:I don't know why it's doing that, i can edit out the gps scan for you if you want...
[size=75]#WinCE Device Information 2011 Fatboyfun
#Release Version 1.0
#ErrorLevel ("Off")
StatusInfo ("WinCE Device Information V2, 2011 Fatboyfun")
StatusMessageAppend ("Analyzing device, Please wait...")
Sleep (1000)
StatusMessageAppend ("HARDWARE INFORMATION.^NL^Screen resolution "&ScreenWidth()&"x"&ScreenHeight()&"^NL^Windows CE "&SystemVersion("Major")&"^NL^Free / Total RAM available "&FreeMemory()&" KB / "&TotalMemory()&"KB^NL^^NL^")
Sleep (100)
WriteFile (SystemPath("ScriptPath")&"\"&SystemPath("ScriptName")&".txt", "WinCE Device Information V2, 2011 Fatboyfun^NL^^NL^DEVICE INFORMATION.^NL^Screen resolution "&ScreenWidth()&"x"&ScreenHeight()&"^NL^Windows CE "&SystemVersion("Major")&"^NL^Free / Total RAM available "&FreeMemory()&" KB / "&TotalMemory()&"KB^NL^^NL^", FALSE)
Sleep (100)
WriteFile (SystemPath("ScriptPath")&"\"&SystemPath("ScriptName")&".txt", "AVAILABLE DRIVES GREATER THAN 128MB. (Free / Total)^NL^NOTE: Mortscript only reads up to 2047MB^NL^", TRUE)
ForEach Directory in Directories ("\*")
If (NOT (Directory eq "\Network"))
Size = TotalDiskSpace(Directory)
Free = FreeDiskSpace(Directory)
If (Size >= 134217728)
Drive = Directory&" ("&Free/1024/1024&"MB/"&Size/1024/1024&"MB)"
StatusMessageAppend (Drive&"^NL^")
Sleep (100)
WriteFile (SystemPath("ScriptPath")&"\"&SystemPath("ScriptName")&".txt", Drive&"^NL^", TRUE)
WriteFile (SystemPath("ScriptPath")&"\"&SystemPath("ScriptName")&".txt", "^NL^^NL^Visit for all your GPS needs!", TRUE)
Sleep (20000)
StatusMessageAppend ("WinCE Device Information has now finished testing your device, and all the information has been written into a text file located at...^NL^^NL^"&SystemPath("ScriptPath")&"\"&SystemPath("ScriptName")&".txt^NL^^NL^Visit for all your GPS needs!")
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