Halfords brand Navsure 410i unit   

Halfords brand Navsure 410i unit

Postby ghondie » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:17 pm

i have a navsure 410i dvd/satnav single DIN unit in my car
does anybody have any experiance with getting iGO 8.3 to run on one of these devices?

its a halfords brand as i understand it and is running wince 4.2

the sd card is split into folders with Navigation folder and an igo folder.

from what i have been able to see the unit loads all of the files from the Navigation folder to its internal memory and all other files such as maps poi's etc are kept on the sd card.

i have tried numerous times with all sorts of different settings and nothing seems to work, it loads all the files into the unit restarts as it should but then sits at a loading screen occasionally comes up saying that it cant find navigation software.

i dont know if i have missed something with it.

Any ideas what i may be doing wrong?

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Postby Fatboyfun » Fri Jul 22, 2011 1:43 pm

There have been threads about Navsure devices here before, Unfortunatly "something" has been modified within the original application to work with the hardware sound mixer, so therefore other apps suffer from a lack of sound, and as far as i'm aware nobody's figured it out yet.
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