Hello guys, hope you can help me on this !
A friend got me a pionner gps ( I think from russia ), I don't know how to check what model is (nothing on the back...) and all I know is that the firmware version is 2.2.0-100514-osen and tha app 091212-v1.2.11.
It's working on Nav n go igo 8 (version from april 2008) and maps are from 2009.
The main menu can be displayed in 6 languages and I choose Portuguese as it's the one I want.
As I go to navigation, and igo program starts, and i go to regional settings both program language and voice profile are limited to english and russian.
Can I add more languages and voices to get all in portuguese ?
If it's possible, how can I do it and where can I get the files ?
Huge thanks to all of you !!!