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iGo Primo 2.0 Android - late voice instruction

Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:36 am


I have problem with voice navigation. The meters to turn doesnt match real conditions. Although Arrow and Map fits perfectly to reality, program show bad estimate to turn.

When programs tells 300m to turn, it is ~100m in real. When programs show 40,30,20,10m and voice says "turn left", I am already turning .. that 40,30,20 counter responds to 4 meters, which I drive in real.

Does anybody knows, how to fix that? As I say, map and arrow fits, program runs smoothly.

I have Motorola Defy with Android 2.3.6, non-rooted, Igo Primo thin v1.1.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 10:40 am

Are you using TTS?

Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:15 am

Nope. I havent installed svox at all. I tried both lua (TTS compatible) and csv voice, and both working the same way: they says instructions according meters to turn, shown on display.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:21 am

What about a normal recorded voice? because primo uses the phones in built TTS engine, it just adds whatever needs to be said to the TTS queue, and has no further control over it, The installed TTS engine might a bit slow in actually speaking the text passed to it

Mon Oct 22, 2012 11:39 am

If I could interject here, all navs are based upon the legal speed limit. The nav instructions will be delayed if you are traveling faster. You have to remember that the signal has to travel up to the satellites and back again. Yes, it happens quickly but.........

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:32 pm

Well thing is, that happens before turn, so I drive approx 30-40 km/h max and slow down, I dont have any "F1 car" to cut turns :)

I already tried "normal recorded voice" - that one, which is based on .csv list of commands. Besides that, if I look on display, there is counting to turn... And that counting is "shifted" - display show 300m, and its 100m in reality (even on map I can see I am closer that distance which is shown on display). When I approach, in relity 20m, display show ~100m.

Voice commands just fit to display's value, its not out of sync with display value..

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:39 pm

There is another thought here [reality]. The present GPS devices can be "off" by as much as 10-20%. New satellite offerings are proposed in 2014 which will make for better location. Supposedly < 5%.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:50 pm

Yesm I am aware that. But for example, when I croos the river on bridge, accuracy is very very good (3-5m max). Just my guess, when I compare blue line with brdige start.. Map looks good, just that estimated meters to turn is strange..

Mon Oct 22, 2012 12:53 pm

You obviously know what you're doing. Perhaps there is an option that needs to be "checked"? Sometimes using a skin will mess with things.

Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:02 pm

You could also try this in your sys.txt


Mon Oct 22, 2012 5:09 pm

JohnatanS wrote:Hello,

I have problem with voice navigation. The meters to turn doesnt match real conditions. Although Arrow and Map fits perfectly to reality, program show bad estimate to turn.

When programs tells 300m to turn, it is ~100m in real. When programs show 40,30,20,10m and voice says "turn left", I am already turning .. that 40,30,20 counter responds to 4 meters, which I drive in real.

Does anybody knows, how to fix that? As I say, map and arrow fits, program runs smoothly.

I have Motorola Defy with Android 2.3.6, non-rooted, Igo Primo thin v1.1.

Are you sure in settings is all set up as it should? Miles/Feet and Kilometers/Meters are quite a difference while 300 Feet is about 100 meters, so that matches your description.

Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:16 am

"300 Feet is about 100 meters, so that matches your description" - thats exactly, what comes to mind too! Because that I tried turn to miles once..

I have setuped km/h in "Region" Select. I used fmilan skin, I tried simulation without it (pure data.zip), and I guess nothing changes regarding meters. Ill do more testing with gps_pos_to_road=1 and set_messages=0. That maybe have some influences on that (just guessing from one bus ride - if it wasnt placebo). Also I notice quite "often" loosing GPS signal in town (it is only for a moment, but still, maybe it has some minor influence too). Thank You guys, If I find something, I let you know.

Sun Mar 24, 2013 3:14 am

chas521 wrote:If I could interject here, all navs are based upon the legal speed limit. The nav instructions will be delayed if you are traveling faster. You have to remember that the signal has to travel up to the satellites and back again. Yes, it happens quickly but.........
What are you talking about? "the signal has to travel up to the satellites and back again"? Seriously? I suggest you restrict yourself to commenting on things you at least know the first thing about.

Sun Mar 24, 2013 4:30 pm

gmm wrote:What are you talking about? "the signal has to travel up to the satellites and back again"? Seriously? I suggest you restrict yourself to commenting on things you at least know the first thing about.

If you disagree with anything posted here, I suggest you do it politely.

Sun Mar 24, 2013 6:06 pm

gmm wrote:What are you talking about? "the signal has to travel up to the satellites and back again"? Seriously? I suggest you restrict yourself to commenting on things you at least know the first thing about.

Maybe try googling "how gps works".

That is some first post on the forum:thumbdown: Don't really need comments like that....helps no-one.

sarcastic:clap: well done...not
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