can someone please help me with this problem ?
when i installed sd card without the maps it worked fine.
but after i copied all the maps etc. it keeps crashing and it doesnt work.
i attached the crash file
thanks in advance
- NFO text:
- ------------------------------------------------------
------------------ Crash Log Begin -------------------
Current System time: "2016-03-21 16:46:31"
Build version:
Build configuration: Product--ARCHFAM
OS version: 6.0
Uptime: 0 h 0 m 7 sec 0 msec
Memory Stats:
FreeMemory: 62 MB, 1000 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 70 MB, 120 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 129 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 1 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 3 MB, 25 KB, 664 B
GarbageSize: 3 MB, 25 KB, 664 B
Exception: 0xc0000005
At address: 0x00038264
Access violation reading address: 0x00000000
0x00038264 (A)
WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \Storagecard\Primo2\ not found):
0x4002956c (A)
0x008ccd14 (A)
0x008cc2ec (A)
0x008cc49c (A)
0x008cc584 (A)
0x0028c638 (A)
0x400760c8 (A)
0x40057ca4 (A)
0x40052274 (A)
0x4002a800 (A)
0x4002aaf0 (A)
0x40052374 (A)
0x00038264 (A)
0x003d9e34 (A)
0x003da814 (A)
0x00429350 (A)
0x000611d4 (A)
0x00061380 (A)
0x008f6d14 (A)
0x0005ece8 (A)
0x00429350 (A)
0x0009d048 (A)
0x0009d0c0 (A)
0x0005ca8c (A)
0x0005c794 (A)
0x0005efb8 (A)
0x0005ffe8 (A)
0x0028c3d8 (A)
0x0028c5ec (A)
0x0009cd18 (A)
Global status:
bInFocus: 1
bMouseDown: 0
bInLogic: 0
bInRender: 0
GPS Pos: (0.000000,0.000000)
Camera: pos:(0.000000,0.000000) rot:0 persp:0 zoom:0.000000 eng=0)
------------------- Crash Log End --------------------