by wshamasneh » Wed Apr 17, 2013 1:46 pm
Thank you for your reply.
I have followed the following steps:
- Download the following files: themechanger.exe, themechanger.mscr, themechanger.log, ChoixScheme.exe, ChoixScheme.mscr, MortScript.exe, entire Lesscro folder which includes the scheme files and folders.
- Create Themechanger folder inside the root of Igo primo folder (StorageCard\Primo2 2.0\ThemeChanger) and place all of the above files and folder inside the created folder.
- Download Scheme files and placed them inside the Scheme folder inside the Content folder.
- Another two folders of GFX and GFXTC with the contents have been downloaded and placed inside the root of Igo Primo the same as ThemeChanger folder.
- The MortScript.exe is 4.2 version which is suposed to be compatible with WinCe 6.
- Run the Igo Primo; and it is running fine but without any new feature for the ThemeChanger.
- Tried to run the ThemeChanger.exe first but it caused the following error: String not closed (missing quote) Line 109(\StorageCard\Primo2 2.0\themechanger\themechanger.mscr): MonMessage = "Loging du ThemeChanger D"
I use a Chinese 2Din Car DVD and Nav unit with 128ram.
So what can I do to be able to use the themechanger?
Thank you