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Igo on Startup?

Wed Jan 28, 2015 3:55 pm

Is there anyway to get iGo to start straight up?
As I get the Navigation and menu at start and need to hit Navigation on my Bintaone B430

Just a question :focus:

Re: Igo on Startup?

Wed Jan 28, 2015 6:12 pm

I am still saying no. You need the navigate and setup option or else how would you set the say nav itself?

Re: Igo on Startup?

Wed Jan 28, 2015 9:23 pm

Not entirely true, it can be done, but involves a risky registry edit.

Look at the bottom of the Binatone guide for details.

Re: Igo on Startup?

Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:15 pm

Reason I asked was that I did it with a Mio sat nav once and it booted faster

Re: Igo on Startup?

Thu Jan 29, 2015 3:48 pm

When time is that important, feel free to risk your device turning into a paperweight :033:
Also with a startup menu one could have more possibilities like starting another GPS program or editing sys.txt (notepad) or a music player or ...
Only when that gets into a endless loop ...
But hey, it's your device :033:

Re: Igo on Startup?

Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:06 pm

The best way to do it, is how I did it, add a new entry in HKLM/init (Launch9999 should do) pointing to a script ON THE DEVICE that kills the process "JBSHello.exe" and starts iGO, but only if a valid SHELL.ini is present, if one isn't, it just exits without doing anything.
So if you need access to the device shell, pop out the card and reboot.

Re: Igo on Startup?

Thu Jan 29, 2015 7:00 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:Not entirely true, it can be done, but involves a risky registry edit.

Look at the bottom of the Binatone guide for details.

Nope still cant find anything. Whats it under?

Re: Igo on Startup?

Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:36 pm

It's under this...


Or it's an option in the Binatone toolbox underneath...

Re: Igo on Startup?

Sat Jan 31, 2015 9:12 pm

Yeah I have the Shell.ini file on SD with thanks to 1888 if you could give me a link on a link Fatboyfun
As the Link says TBC :

Link TBC
This will only work on devices that save their registry!
Download the archive above and extract the Boot folder to the root of ResidentFlash, (Must be ResidentFlash, Will not work on SD card!) Use any file explorer or iGO's external programmes feature to run AddRemoveRegistry.exe, A sound effect will play when complete.
Now when the device is booted the shell will be killed and whatever is in SHELL.ini on the SD card is started automatically.
If no SD card or SHELL.ini is present the shell will start as normal.
Running AddRemoveRegistry.exe again will remove the registry edits and restore the device to normal.

Lost me :022:
The best way to do it, is how I did it, add a new entry in HKLM/init (Launch9999 should do) pointing to a script ON THE DEVICE that kills the process "JBSHello.exe" and starts iGO, but only if a valid SHELL.ini is present, if one isn't, it just exits without doing anything.
So if you need access to the device shell, pop out the card and reboot.

Re: Igo on Startup?

Sun Feb 01, 2015 1:31 am

Download the Binatone toolbox, put that on an old SD card.
It gives you access to common tasks and applications etc, including disabling the shell (and booting straight into whatever the shell.ini points to)
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