Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:37 am
Move the save folder to your PC, This resets iGO to it's default settings, you'll have to set everything up again.
A new save folder will be created.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:49 am
Move the whole folder.
I did that but still the same error.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:41 pm
Move, ie, the folder is on your PC and not on your device.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 12:50 pm
sorry i`m a bit lost.
move the folder from sd card to pc or
from my igo8 on my pc to sd card.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:21 pm
The idea is to delete the save folder from your device, but have a copy on your pc just in case.
The save folder is in the iGO8 folder where the content folder is.
Make sure there is no save folder, then start iGO again (A new save folder will be created)
iGO will be reset to default, so set it up again.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:39 pm
Now it back to normal, Thanks for your help guys.
This afternoon i had to pick my nieces up from school so i test my satnav and it worked great.
Good stuff guys.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 1:44 pm
If I can butt-in again, navguy, the more content you add to the program the more is demanded upon the memory of your device. It can lead to memory errors and then your program will not finish loading to completion. Hence, you should only put the content into a program that is necessary for your location. MOST content is just eye candy anyway. Also, if you have been reading all the recent posts here, I do NOT recommend going from GPS forum to GPS forum adding pieces to your program. Stay here because you got your program here and this is where you will get the proper support. If you add something from another forum and then things go haywire, you ONLY have yourself to blame and then you have to start all over from scratch again.
Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:55 pm
So if i remove some files like,
Language UK
US Basemap_2009.02_090407.fbl
And not load anything else onto it, will my satnav be ok and not run into errors.
Fri Dec 02, 2011 7:38 am
You can safely delete the voices you don't need and the basemaps. The same for the language files, maps, schemes, skins, DEM file, ....
In short, all that is in in the content folder that is not needed by you. Of course, you need at least one voice, one language, one day scheme and one night scheme. Move all those files to your PC so that they are not in the iGO folder any more, but you can copy them back easily when wanted.
That is the beauty of iGO/Primo, it's a basic (DOS based) structure and does not make changes to the registry. Adding/deleting files is very simple.
Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:27 am
OK i deleted the files i dont need. That`s it then, my Navman S50 is solved.
How do i put SOLVED on my thread ?
Fri Dec 02, 2011 8:43 am
navguy wrote:How do i put SOLVED on my thread ?
Done as requested.
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