Fri Feb 03, 2023 3:42 am
Hi All,
I have downloaded recent maps and installed them to my Nav N Go iGO 8 v8.3.4.102680.
The maps I installed are Australia and New Zealand.
The Australia maps work perfectly however I have a strange problem with the New Zealand maps.
When selecting Country New Zealand reads _n** then after selecting _n** and selecting States North and South Islands read _n**,_nzn and _n**,_nzs.
Once down to the street level the streets work correctly.
Is there something I can edit for the New Zealand country and states to read correctly (ie. New Zealand instead of _n** and North Island and South Island instead of _n**,_nzn and _n**,_nzs ?)
Fri Feb 03, 2023 4:30 am
You need to be more specific, what latest version of Australian and New Zealand Maps did you install?
Fri Feb 03, 2023 5:16 am
The maps are iGO Australia & New Zealand HERE 2022.Q2 which amongst other files are:
Don't understand why the country and state names are not appearing correctly.
Maybe the map files have been modified?
Also, I used to have a "Basemap83_2009.02_090602.fbl" in the original map folder which I deleted along with the other old Australia and New Zealand map files before copying over the new map files. I did not replace an equivalent "Basemap" map file as it was not included in the new Australia and New Zealand map files archive.
Hope this is enough information.
Sat Feb 04, 2023 5:52 am
fbagnato wrote:The maps are iGO Australia & New Zealand HERE 2022.Q2 which amongst other files are:
Don't understand why the country and state names are not appearing correctly.
Maybe the map files have been modified?
Also, I used to have a "Basemap83_2009.02_090602.fbl" in the original map folder which I deleted along with the other old Australia and New Zealand map files before copying over the new map files. I did not replace an equivalent "Basemap" map file as it was not included in the new Australia and New Zealand map files archive.
Hope this is enough information.
How come you deleted the Basemap? That might be the reason why it's not working correctly.
Sat Feb 04, 2023 4:55 pm
Nope, that aint the problem.
I copied the Basemaps file back to the GPS and the same problem exists.
Sat Feb 04, 2023 6:51 pm
First of all, I'm retired so I won't be posting to this. Just happened to look this time. How old is your file? Might need updating.
EDIT: Also make sure you are using the most current Winrar.
Sun Feb 05, 2023 2:54 am
Hi chas521,
I looked and I never had a file on the Satnav.
I downloaded the latest available from this forum and put it in the content folder but the New Zealand maps still read incorrectly.
I see the Countries.txt within the file contains the New Zealand n**="New Zealand", nzn="North Island" and nzs="South Island" entries which seem like it should work but it doesn't.
I then searched the Satnav for Australia to see if I could locate any files where the term is used but besides the map files no other files contained Australia.
What am I doing wrong?
Sun Feb 05, 2023 3:30 am
The global zip file is placed into content UNZIPPED. Do not unzip it!
Where did you put it? Zip file goes into global cfg folder.
Sun Feb 05, 2023 4:55 am

My partner got angry and broke the Satnav!
Thanks for trying to help out though.
Tue Feb 07, 2023 9:50 am
The folder global_cfg & it's .zip are used with iGO Primo, I don't recall it being used with iGO8.
Maybe there's been a change with something in the newly created maps that causes that behaviour on older (no longer updated) software like iGO8?
Perhaps it's an issue that's corrected by the global_cfg file in Primo, but because iGO8 doesn't use it it displays as you see it?
Probably not much help now that your partner 'fixed' it for you, but maybe even renaming or deleting the folder named 'save' might have cured it, doing that resets all iGO's settings back to default when it next starts.
Rename the save folder to keep access to any recorded saved tracks, routes or custom poi's so they can be transferred to the new save folder that's auto created when iGO starts again.
Or just delete it if you have no saved tracks, routes or poi's to worry about.
Always keep the basemap.fbl in the map folder
Tue Feb 07, 2023 12:39 pm
Thanks for the info JmaCWQ.
I was very angry that she lost it and broke the GPS when I was close to fixing the problem.
The latest maps were working very well on the old GPS and had I fixed the "name" problem it would have been ready to use.
She has since apologised for her outburst.
I was irate for a day then forgot about it (it was my mother in laws GPS so my partner will have to come up with some creative excuse as to what happened to it!)
Oh well, hopefully the info on this thread will help someone else facing the same problem.
Sat Feb 11, 2023 10:59 am
No probs
Replacement devices are quite cheap these days from places like flea-bay and other online retailers.
I still use the same version of iGO8, on a couple of different devices I bought off ebay and they work ok.
I don't use any street maps with them though, just the basemap, which could be why I've never seen the issue you were having.
Mostly the devices come with iGO Primo already on them these days, iGO8's successor, and can be purchased quite cheaply from online retailers.
If you still want to use the iGO8 software from the old device any device you wish to put it on must have WindowsCE as the operating system.
Primo's ok, a little more modern than iGO8
Sat Feb 11, 2023 8:12 pm
fbagnato and JmaCWQ,
In my opinion, Igo8 was the best navigation program of all time bar none!!!! I just wish that I could use it on my Android phone and in my Android Auto for my car. I was able to make it stand up and salute- - LOL. I still have the program that I edited on a flash drive. Also, it didn't need global_cfg. Confused it with Primo.
Thu Feb 23, 2023 5:12 am
Yep I agree with that Chas, I still use it almost daily, offroad though not onroad, customised it and a couple of skins to do and look how I want it.
I wish we could create custom maps for it to use like can be done with Garmin's, if I could do that it would be the only program I would use.
I probably still have a copy of your edited version here somewhere. 8.3.5 something-or-other, 231128 perhaps?
I prefer myself, the different released versions things on the street maps displayed at different zoom levels, road labels, smaller unpaved roads etc., and I found 102680 suited me best after trying many versions of it.
Are there any WinCE emulators that work on Android?
Thu Feb 23, 2023 6:24 am
I still use my old IGO8 MyWay which is now Primo, however I'm still waiting for someone to share the latest Australia and New Zealand TomTom and HERE maps. I believe Australia and New Zealand TomTom 2022.Q3 are the latest ones available, even though we are now in the year 2023.
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