igoprimo wrote:Does anyone have the lastest navteq premium poi for USA and Canada they wouldn't mind sharing? Thanks
igoprimo wrote:I have the TomTom Teleatlas pois but their location on the map is off by a considerable amount for my area. The navteq pois are located correctly but some major points of interest like the police station and some others don't showup. Why do you think I would like the TA pois better?
igoprimo wrote:For some gas station and other places they can be off by up to a mile or a mile and a half. In particular I was looking for the south east but I would prefer all the US.
igoprimo wrote:I found the last TA pois and downloaded them. They are all off by a considerable amount too but not quite as much as the first ones. I also tried the lastest navteq pois and the same points of interest are missing for my area.
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