Map update 2012 Q4, maps go very strange?? Help?   

Map update 2012 Q4, maps go very strange?? Help?

Postby The Budget Biker » Fri May 17, 2013 8:36 pm

Hi guys, :greeting_mini:

I've joined to hopefully get some help, this is a strange problem that I have recently occured with my sat nav.
My sat nav is a rebranded (Bluetronics) Peaklife 3.5" gps, its a waterproof 'bike nav' running IGO8, the sat nav has its problems but generally is reliable enough to get me where I want to go (although depending on setting it has some strange route ideas sometimes!).
Running Nav n Go Igo 8 (

Anyway, the problem is that occasionally the sat nav goes into 'overview' and does not stick to 'turn by turn' directions as I expect, I turned automatic overview off but it didnt seem to help.
It looked almost as If i was looking at a ordnance survey map, which was really difficult when your travelling at 70mph.
I have updated the maps to 2012 Q4 Europe maps, and added custom poi of speed cameras which has been the only updates I've done..
It went into this mode on a big motorway (m25, I'm in the UK) and stayed in this mode despite telling me I needed to turn in x amount of feet, as well as this the unit would not remain central meaning the cursor was travelling up, to the side, and down roads as opposed to always heading straight when you turn into a new road.:thumbdown:

This created a huge problem for me earlier as it told me I needed to turn but I had an overview of the map (2d) and my cursor was travelling DOWN the road as opposed to staying on top of it.
It does sound like this 'automatic overview' is enabling itself even when the unit has been told not to... is there a way to disable it on boot?:scratch_one-s_head_

I'm trying to simulate the route I took to see if i can replicate the fault for a picture but I hope you understand what I mean.


How its supposed to look:

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How it goes occasionally:

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Postby Fatboyfun » Fri May 17, 2013 8:49 pm

It could be an entry in the sys.txt turning on the automatic overview every time iGO is started...

Or 'something' is wrong in the save folder, meaning changes to settings don't get saved...

Deleting the save folder will in effect reset iGO back to it's default settings, a new save folder will be created. You could rename it instead so you can put it back if it doesn't fix it.
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Postby The Budget Biker » Fri May 17, 2013 8:52 pm

You could be right there... I do have to turn off 'Warn if speeding' every time I start the device up, but I'm not sure if it saves that by default anyway?
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Postby The Budget Biker » Fri May 17, 2013 9:29 pm

Well turning off automatic overview and exiting the program without powering down the satnav has seemingly solved this issue.. although it appears I cannot change the 'warn when speeding' and 'Warn speed cameras 'when approaching' as default?
If you know of a way please share ;)

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Postby Fatboyfun » Fri May 17, 2013 10:38 pm

You will find that disc writes are cached, so turning of the device could lose any recently changed settings, also post your sys.txt here so we can look at it.
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