Newbie Question For Loading IGO8   

Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:46 pm

chas521 wrote:Don't concern yourself that I'm doing typing. I just want to cover all the bases. Believe me, I'm as frustrated as you are. We HAVE to get this right. It's now our duty!

The maps from here are fine you say. Good. They should be. You're just not getting any sound from my program. The radio needs it's own SD card with maps to get sound? Is that what you're saying?

EDIT: Another thought just now. When you first start my program, you have to choose certain options to get it going. Language and such. Choosing a voice in the "regional" setting can take a good 15 seconds or more until you hear the greeting announcement such as "Have a nice trip." Have you tried running a simulated trip and see if you get voice?

Yes, the maps/poi's I got from from here work fine on your version. They do not work on my mfg supplied radio SD card. I can't even use the newer maps I had from the 1st mfg supplied radio SD card on the replacement they sent me that fixed the freeze issues. They are tied to the license it seems.

Your version is working ok just no sound. That is correct. If I use the mfg supplied radio SD card the sound works.

NO sound at all including when I try and change voices( on the radio SD card I get have a nice day when chhanging voices ). I just tried driving down the street with a route set and even spun around so it would recalculate = no sound.
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Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:52 pm

user469 wrote:The version above works except what ?

The SD card the mfg supplied with the radio( has version )works 100% fine. Well, I had to send the original one back as it had a defect that was causing freeze issues. The one I have now is the replacement and it works fine. No freezes. Everything works on the mfg supplied SD card. I want a backup card in case something happens to this one. That is what all this is about. If I can make a Navitotal version work completely( with sound )I will use that and keep the original one safe.

user469 wrote:To upload see above , send all SD content except , dem , lang, map , poi and voice

If people think having the files to look at will help I am fine with that but no one will be able to run it for tests and such. The license is tied to the serial # of the SD card it is issued on.
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Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 2:55 pm

I will be away for a bit( hour or so )as I have to do an important website update. Will check back after. I am not ignoring anyone...
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Postby chas521 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:08 pm

Honestly, I given you every method I could think of - I'll give it more thought. You've tried everything I suggested - correct?! There may be one more thing you could since you now know the entries you have to make regarding your device and that is to try a Primo program instead of iGO8. Here's a link It's up to you if you want to try. It works.

EDIT: It also has a link to version 2.0 which is fine also, if you'd rather try that one.
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Postby user469 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 7:44 pm

gsthunder wrote:The SD card the mfg supplied with the radio( has version )works 100% fine. Well, I had to send the original one back as it had a defect that was causing freeze issues. The one I have now is the replacement and it works fine. No freezes. Everything works on the mfg supplied SD card. I want a backup card in case something happens to this one. That is what all this is about. If I can make a Navitotal version work completely( with sound )I will use that and keep the original one safe.

I suppose you have tried to copy the content of the working SD card to another new SD card and it does not work because as you say the license its tied to the SD , but if you copy all the content and just put a cracked exe that will look somewhere else for the license you can have another working copy .

Please upload the working one so we can look at it , or you can send us just the copy you have already done see below .

gsthunder wrote:I still have copies of the original SD card files and they give different numbers so again it appears to be tied to the SD card.
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Postby filesupload100 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:05 pm

Just my thoughts about this devinfo.txt file.
If I didn't miss it in this thread, we all assume that this file is a source/input for the program.
I have a feeling that this is like a log file for the program. Take a look at the line: "ERR: IOCTL_DISK_DEVICE_INFO failed for DSK1".
Can you tell what is the original file date/time of this file? Does this date change after running/crashing?
What is this DSK1/2? Can it be that the sd card need to be formatted and having this name to work proper?

EDIT: "Active key:\Windows\flashdrv.dll" and "Active key:\Windows\SDMemory.dll" - Where this "Windows" folder should be? on sdcard? on inner memory somewhere?

Just my 2 cents, but maybe I'm wrong, but it's good to be thrown to other directions...
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Postby user469 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:18 pm

chas521 wrote:@gsthunder
You have everyone excited with this adventure. They're all dying to know how it turns out.

Strongly Agree ...........
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Postby user469 » Sun Apr 21, 2013 8:55 pm

gsthunder wrote:3 - I will post the devinfo.txt here for you to see what is in it. Maybe it will explain something to some of you? The 8.3.4 version they sent does not have a devinfo file.

Platform MajorVersion=5 <0x5>
Platform SubVersion=0 <0x0>
Trying: DSK1:
Driver Key opened for DSK1:
Driver path for DSK1: flashdrv.dll
Active key:\Windows\flashdrv.dll
Driver for DSK1: is in ROM
Opening SD driver for DSK1:...
ERR: IOCTL_DISK_DEVICE_INFO failed for DSK1: (1, 0x00000001, 0x00000002)
Trying: DSK2:
Driver Key opened for DSK2:
Driver path for DSK2: SDMemory.dll
Active key:\Windows\SDMemory.dll
Driver for DSK2: is in ROM
Opening SD driver for DSK2:...
IOCTL_DISK_DEVICE_INFO successful for DSK2: (1, 0x00000001, 0x60000000)
DWORD dwSize = 28
DWORD dwFlags=00000000
DWORD dwManufactureIDOffset=16
DWORD dwSerialNumOffset=18
BYTE Data[]={30, 33, 30, 33, 33, 31, 42, 33, 37, 46, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00 };
Last edited by gsthunder; Today at 01:24 PM.

I think devinfo its a log .. hereunder a quote from internet.

iGO.exe checks the file attributes of sdmemory.dll. if it is not a ROM file, iGO doesn't work. because it afraids that, somebody patched sdmemory.dll, and returns a valid SD card ID to iGO.exe
My last patch defeats that check.
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Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:53 pm

filesupload100 wrote:Just my thoughts about this devinfo.txt file.
If I didn't miss it in this thread, we all assume that this file is a source/input for the program.
I have a feeling that this is like a log file for the program. Take a look at the line: "ERR: IOCTL_DISK_DEVICE_INFO failed for DSK1".
Can you tell what is the original file date/time of this file? Does this date change after running/crashing?
What is this DSK1/2? Can it be that the sd card need to be formatted and having this name to work proper?

EDIT: "Active key:\Windows\flashdrv.dll" and "Active key:\Windows\SDMemory.dll" - Where this "Windows" folder should be? on sdcard? on inner memory somewhere?

Just my 2 cents, but maybe I'm wrong, but it's good to be thrown to other directions...

The devinfo file from the 1st SD card shows a modified date of Jan 1, 2008

The devinfo file from the replacement they sent shows a modified date of April 2, 2013( the date it was created I believe )

I don't believe anything changes but I can try and check.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:53 pm

There are devices that require "special" versions of iGO to control the devices sound mixer, the most notable is the brand Navsure, on these devices iGO is happily making all the sounds it wants to, but it lacks the facility to tell the hardware to allow the sound through the mixer and out the speakers, unfortunately at the moment there are no cracked "special" versions of iGO available.

However the speaker icon with a red line through it suggests iGO is muted, are you able to take a picture of this and attach it..?
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Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 9:56 pm

user469 wrote:I suppose you have tried to copy the content of the working SD card to another new SD card and it does not work because as you say the license its tied to the SD , but if you copy all the content and just put a cracked exe that will look somewhere else for the license you can have another working copy .

Please upload the working one so we can look at it , or you can send us just the copy you have already done see below .

I can try that I guess. What is there to lose.

I will get a copy of it uploaded.
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Postby gsthunder » Sun Apr 21, 2013 10:45 pm

I/we did it!!!!! :yahoo:

I had been thinking about doing what user469 had talked about already but had held off as no one had said anything like that before and I thought if it would work someone would have said this sooner. I was about ready to try it when he suggested it. It was so easy in the end I want to :cray: thinking about all the hassle you guys have been through.

Here is what I did...

  • Empty SD card completely of chas521's version
  • Copy the entire working version to the SD card( just NH map & POI ) - no changes to it at all
  • Replace the igo.exe file with the cracked one from chas521's folder
  • Replace the license folder with the one from chas521's folder
  • Insert into radio and test = WE HAVE A WINNER!

Not only does it work, complete with sound, but it looks exactly like the original one as far as menu options, the size of the cursor, etc... You would never know it was not the original SD card. Even has the mfg's load.bmp so it really appears to be the same.

Also, I discovered it does have a couple of those missing menu options. To access them you don't go through the menu but instead you touch the bottom left of the screen where the GPS signal meter is. That opens a window that has the GPS and sound settings. However, sound is muted on purpose( don't ask me why ). Sound works though over the car speakers now.

So all I had to do to get a working 2nd SD card was replace the igo.exe file and the license folder with chas521's. OY! :wallbash:

I am hoping I can use the maps I got off here with it now. I should be able to as I could in chas521's version. I used the NH map and POI files from radio SD card for the test. Now I am going to get the rest of the maps and POI's loaded.

Apparantly there is something, somewhere, that controls the speakers. It also controls how the menu displays info because it is very different displaying it with the different folders. The same igo.exe displays different in chas521's folder vs in the folder my radio's SD card came with. Maybe in the somewhere.

What matters is everything works now. I did a quick trip down the road and the sound works as does the program( so far - hopefully it won't be freeze prone too but it shouldn't be ). I don't drink at all but I feel like having a beer right now. :drinkingbuddies:

THANK YOU so much to everyone for all the help. I hope some day I can repay the kindness.

If you want still want me to upload the files to look at I will. I wiill upload the working version combo of my fiiles and chas521's.
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Postby gsthunder » Mon Apr 22, 2013 12:49 am


I had to go out on an errand so I used the nav software. Worked like a charm( directions and sound ).
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Postby chas521 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 3:56 am

Congratulations!!!! :usa: You used maps from here?

[color=#FF0000]Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?[/color]
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Postby user469 » Mon Apr 22, 2013 7:16 am

gsthunder wrote:If you want still want me to upload the files to look at I will. I wiill upload the working version combo of my fiiles and chas521's.

Congratulation , it was so simple :)
Please upload all the original files in the root folder and the license folder .
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