Numerous issues with alert point warnings in Primo 2.4   

Numerous issues with alert point warnings in Primo 2.4

Postby fo0bar » Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:03 am

Configuration value to add to sys.txt:

speedcam_continuous_approach_beep_when_tonal=0 ;default=1


Hi all, thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer me. I've been playing with settings and ini files for a couple of weeks now and finally I'm at my wits end and need to ask for some help! I've used SysConfigurator but it doesn't seem to get it the way I want either.

I have a navig8r C43, on which I have installed iGo Primo 2.4. On taking it on it's first test run, I was getting furious quite quickly at how it chirps loudly every second and then at an increasing rate as i'm approaching points such as a school zone or train crossing (of which there are many in my area).

Does anyone know how to turn off this 'radar' beep which increases in rate as I approach an alert point? The previous version, iGo8 which came with this product simply gave a light 'ding' every 50-100m as I was approaching, without as much urgency as this nuclear submarine torpedo radar.

I also can't seem to reactivate the single 'ding' when the alert is 'activated'. If i could even simply achieve this and not the approaching beeps at all, I would be happy! I prefer not to use TTS as I'm Australian and TTS software of most varieties can't nail our accent without sounding like a stereotypical 'hollywood aussie'...

I have managed to change the torpedo radar to a more pleasant tone, however I've had no luck in changing it to simply 2 or 3 beeps as i'm approaching. I also tried copying a few of the relevant sounding config flags from the old igo8 sys.txt file from my backup of the previous software so it matched for the speedcameras, though it seemed to have no effect beyond changing it to the more bearable tone.

here's my sys.txt section for the schoolzone alert and global warnings - i'm using 9/schoolzones to gain an understanding of the settings as there's plenty of them around here.

Thanks again in advance for any help you can offer me.

speedcam_snap_distance=150 ;does this keep the alert active this many meters after passing the point?

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Postby chas521 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 11:45 am

I'm know you've tried many things so I'm not gonna throw a number of suggestions at you. So, I'll simply say did you try this? Back up your all your warnings to your computer first and simply then delete them from the sys.txt. Does this make any difference?
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Postby fo0bar » Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:31 pm

chas521 wrote:I'm know you've tried many things so I'm not gonna throw a number of suggestions at you. So, I'll simply say did you try this? Back up your all your warnings to your computer first and simply then delete them from the sys.txt. Does this make any difference?

Thanks for the suggestion - I've tried removing all values from the sys.txt file and it simply returned to the loud, high pitched, increasing-intensity-and-speed beep. After that I tried adding relevant sounding values back into the file one-by-one - starting with setting the approach_beep sound, which worked - the beep simply changed to the softer ding i'd specified - indicating that it was the 'approach beep' that required further customisation.

Thinking I'd nailed the config 'category' i needed to play with, I changed the approach beep distances as well as other approach_beep settings which didn't seem to do anything at all!

Is this crazy beep of increasing urgency a normal feature of this software? I've noticed on iGo's website and their partners websites all mention an alert 'radar' - though I find it odd that it seems like I can't turn it off!

Thanks again for any help offered!
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Postby chas521 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:38 pm

I don't use the warnings you specify except the red light warnings. From what I remember about Primo - I don't use Primo only iGO8 - in the settings there is an option called warnings [something like that] in which you can choose to de-select the option.
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Postby filesupload100 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 5:01 pm

Like chas521, I'm using Igo8, but I've loaded Primo 2.4 now to see how do the settings looks.
I'm describing now the default skin.
You can find the "Alert Point Settings" under Settings-> Sound and Warnings-> Alert Point Settings
If "Alert Point Warnings" is checked, the option of "Alert Types" is enabled. Click on it, and you can see the types [scroll down] (Speed Camera...Railway Crossing, School Zone etc.).
The Type can be one of three:
Warning Type: Disabled/Visual/Audio and Visual
The "Audio Warning" is enabled only if "Audio and Visual" was selected for the type option)
Audio Warning: When approaching/Only when speeding
If you don't want it, just disable the type you wish to shut off.

When using skin (like diMka), the settings are also under Settings-> Sound and Warnings-> Alert Point Settings, but choosing the different options (Warning distance, Visual warning, Voice warning etc.) works different with more flexibilityץ
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Postby furat52 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:18 pm

I think it is some related to, open with winrar, and go to project_config\igo9.ini and open it with note pad then go down to speedcam section and look there, you can change every catogory as desired, for example for speedcam cat 0 which is fixed speed camera:

activated_speech="Caution, speed camera."

approach_beep_speech="speed camera."

overspeed_speech="Reduce your speed."


in this example, voice alert (not beep) will be activated at the distance specified in "warn distances" values and will be repeated every 500 meters, in case of overspeeding within this distance a "reduce your speed" voice will be activated and repeated every 7 seconds, you can change the values as you wish, if you want the voice warning to be activated only once you can change the value from 500 to 1500 in our example above.

Another example for speed hump (speed breaker):

activated_speech="Caution, speed breaker."

approach_beep_speech="Speed breaker."


in this example, the voice will be activated at the distance of 600 meter and will be repeated every 300 meter.

these are two examples so you can build an idea about all other speedcam catagories.

After doing all changes save the file and wait for winrar to save the changes to
all your work should be done within winrar version 4.01 or earlier.

p.s Delete any reference to speedcam catogory in sys.txt
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Postby filesupload100 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 7:30 pm

furat52 wrote:voice alert (not beep) will be activated at the distance specified in "warn distances" values and will be repeated every 500 meters, in case of overspeeding within this distance a "reduce your speed" voice will be activated and repeated every 7 seconds

From where this voice will come from? TTS?
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Postby furat52 » Mon Jul 08, 2013 8:03 pm

Yes...TTS, it will work with both TTS and TTS pro
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Postby filesupload100 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 4:41 am

Well, the thread opener wrote "I prefer not to use TTS as I'm Australian and TTS software of most varieties can't nail our accent...", so, I'm not sure this is the best solution for him, but in general it can be.
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Postby fo0bar » Tue Jul 09, 2013 6:25 am

Thanks for everyone's input, I really appreciate it.

As for changing the values in the>igo9.sys - it seems that placing the same values in sys.txt overrides any duplicate values also in igo9.sys. Part of my trial-and-error process involved copying and pasting the values out of there into sys.txt to modify and use as a template, as well as modifying the values in igo9.sys - with minimal success on values I didn't really need to change.

Changing alert point warnings to 'visual only' removes the sound from them altogether - I'd prefer to have a single approaching 'ding' or a single beep when the visual appears; or the 3,4, or 5 in succession as I approach - and I do want to stay far away from TTS as possible. If it would be possible to have TTS for *only* alert points and not navigation, I'd even be happy with that! I just prefer not to have Steve Irwin telling me where to go :P *ding* "GO ROUND THAT CORNER IN 200 METERS, MATE; NOW EXIT THAT THERE ROUNDABOUT BEFORE IT GETS AWAY. SHE'S A DANGEROUS ONE"

I've found the 'warn_distances' are set by default how I prefer - the warnings are 'activated' at an appropriate distance for the speed i'm going, it's just that time between the warn distance and the passing of the alert that is bugging me.

Another couple of questions - does the 'speedcam_snap_distance' keep the particular alert active/displayed for that specific distance in meters after passing the alert?

And what is this min_frc value? I had a number of assumptions (min distance from track, minimum speed(FoRCe?) to activate... tried a bunch of values, approach speeds, different points etc but no change.. any clues? The people in my neighbourhood probably think I'm casing out houses to rob!

I know i'm asking a lot and probably being a little picky.. Thanks again for all of your help.
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Postby filesupload100 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:02 am

Do not give up so fast, try this OZ TTS files (credit to ulyssy):
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Postby fo0bar » Tue Jul 09, 2013 7:32 am

filesupload100 wrote:Do not give up so fast, try this OZ TTS files

Thanks; These do sound much better than the ones I previously had. I might consider using it for navigation! This might make things a bit more tolerable than the super radar sound while approaching zebra/train crossings as it seems speech has more options to play with than sounds (or at least has more clues leading to it!).

I'm considering 'unlocking' my unit with one of these mio unlocking tools, simply to get a simple text editor going on the device for the purpose of pulling over and editing the sys.txt in the car after a test run.

Another thing which just popped into my head; should I be deleting my 'save' folder each time I change an alert or warning setting? Maybe this is why I'm getting nowhere. I've removed the folder a few times between setting changes but only really when customising other things.
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Postby chas521 » Tue Jul 09, 2013 1:58 pm

Or instead of deleting your save folder, you could just rename it. Save to oldsave - something like that. A new one will be automatically created.
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Postby fo0bar » Sun Jul 14, 2013 11:40 am

I've been using the Aussie TTS for navigation and it's far more accurate than I initially thought, even saying highway and street names with our lazy, 'aussie' pronunciations.

I'm still experimenting with warnings and stuff, and during my search for the perfect configuration, I have stumbled across the following configuration value, which I think may be the solution to my problem:

Code: Select all
speedcam_continuous_approach_beep_when_tonal=0 ;default=1

I'm going to take this setting for a test run tomorrow; If it does indeed fix this crazy radar sound, I'll edit this post with the appropriate result and hope it helps someone else with the same problem.

Took it for a test run, it seems to do exactly what I wanted it to do. After removing pretty much all other config values and testing this setting at '0', it's back to how I want it! - One very short beep when the warning is activated, and one or two follow-up beeps as I approach it.

The only other config value I used was is_spoken=0, to minimise TTS at alert points.
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Postby bazzle » Mon Jul 15, 2013 2:29 am

Try this:
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