Opinion Wanted on New Hardware   

Opinion Wanted on New Hardware

Postby pitcritter » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:26 am

I'm seriously considering purchasing [Please Register or Login to download file] unit from Crutchfield. I've been using iGo products for years and the help I've gotten here has made my experience with them consistently positive.

I'm looking for opinions on this unit. Specifically, will I have any issues with updating maps? I'm specifically interested in adding Canada since this unit ships with only US maps.

I'm already running Primo on my PNA and my Android phone, so I already have the maps. I'm curious if I'll run into any issues with the license.
4.3" Generic Chinese Device
iGo Primo 8.59.142948
HTC Droid Incredible 2 Running CM7
iGo Primo
NavTeq Canada & US 2011.Q4
Home: N43.1028240 W79.0751899
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Postby chas521 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 4:33 am

Here's the problem[s] as I see it. It doesn't say what the navigation program is [unless I missed it somehow]. So what the problem might be as to updating the maps is that it has a "real" program installed and it will not accept our maps in iGO because of a license issue. You would have to download and install a cracked program from here. A cracked program has the license modified as well as the data, branding and .exe. To copy and paste a license probably won't work with a real program. Your prospective device is kinda expensive to possibly brick it - wouldn't you say?

EDIT: It's a really nice device but I see that it uses TeleAtlas [TT for IGO] maps. It is my opinion that Navteq maps are better in NA.
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Postby pitcritter » Thu Dec 20, 2012 9:59 am

I have done a little reading on of the Ford boards. I do know that it runs Primo. I've posted a question for current users there to see if the actual program is on the SD card or if it's just the data. If \Primo is on the SD, shouldn't that mean that i could install a version from here
for the right resolution and run whatever maps/skins/etc that I wanted? I would just need to match path and exe file name from the original card so that it gets invoked correctly. Bricking shouldn't even be possible.

I also see that it uses a SiRFprima chip. Does anyone here know anything about it? It seems to me that this might be old technology.
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Postby chas521 » Thu Dec 20, 2012 1:14 pm

You might be perfectly correct in your assessment about using only the SD card. I'm not saying that you will definitely brick your device, it's just that something that is on the more expensive side kinda scares with editing. Remember, you're physically installing this device into your vehicle so it's gonna leave a big hole in your dashboard if there's a problem - just saying, you asked for an opinion. It's probably going to be OK because you're only using a SD card for the program editing and not the internal.

I don't know about the technology question you asked but [just throwing this out there] but why are they reducing the price so much? Just makes me wonder.

Wait until you hear more from the Ford board users that have the device installed in their vehicles. It might be OK.
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Postby kamoteka » Thu Dec 20, 2012 3:53 pm

The Crutchfield website states that the navigation program is pre-installed on a 4 GB micrso sd card and the navigation (Primo) license is tied to this card. If you are going to update your maps, you can not do it on this same micro sd card. You will need to use a different micro sd card and use the same exact directory structure as in the original card and also use the same executable name. Then proceed to put in your "cured" primo software with the updated maps on this new different micro sd card.

There is a warning that you have to reset your system if ever you remove and then re-insert the micro sd card.
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