Peacher wrote:You connect it to the computer - not using your unit explorer
Is this clear. If you know how to alter the mio system files dos.
You can load up to any account of software as you want till your sd card can hold.
There is no need for any unlock programs - when it bricks you cry.
One simple question - how does your unit works without a OS.
THanks, Peacher
Obviuosly there is an OS on my MIO.
The fact that Program Files folder is empty, says that no application was installed yet.
if you compare it to a "real" WINXP for example, you can run an application even if it wasn't installed onto the PC
(i.e. by using a SETUP.EXE file). As long as the application EXE file (e.g. MIOMAP.EXE or IGO8.EXE) knows where to find all it needs
in order to run, then all is fine. When you copy the IGO/PRIMO folder to a SD card, the application runs fine and it was not instaled
whatsoever (i.e. no extra files in Program Files folder), so how can that be (on the SD there is surly no program Files nor Windows
folders but still all is running fine?
Am I the first one who tries that? When I began this I thought it's much simpler.