primo 2 doesnt not work with radio car chinese   

primo 2 doesnt not work with radio car chinese

Postby altaïr51 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:04 am

Hello to all. I am French and new on this forum I have to download primo 2 for the installed(settled) on one GPS radio car Chinese. Firstly takes care very in memory but after 20 seconds, when the band(strip) blue(bruise) of the load stops(arrests) fprimo2 do not start and I return to the welcome screen of the radio car. I copy more low the crash.txt. file can use me in installed(settled) primo2. I indicate that my GPS(global positioning system) works well with IGO 8.3.5 and skin gurjon thank you

----------------- Crash Log Begin -------------------

Current System time: "2012-10-20 03:20:47"
Build version:
Build configuration: Product--ARCHFAM
OS version: 5.0

Uptime: 0 h 0 m 5 sec 0 msec

Memory Stats:

FreeMemory: 20 MB, 644 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 26 MB, 132 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 129 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 1 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 2 MB, 981 KB, 474 B
GarbageSize: 2 MB, 981 KB, 474 B

Exception: 0xc0000005
At address: 0x03fc5658
Access violation writing address: 0x0cb07000
0x03fc5658 (A)

WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \StorageCard\Primo\ not found):

0x0c012054 (A)
0x0c01162c (A)
0x0c0117dc (A)
0x0c0118c4 (A)
0x0c65048c (A)
0x03fac878 (A)
0x03fb3d04 (A)
0x8022cf1c (A)
0x80256c1c (A)
0x80230d40 (A)
0x8022ce34 (A)
0x03fc5658 (A)
0x0c0524f4 (A)
0x0c0505b0 (A)
0x0c659294 (A)
0x0c647c3c (A)
0x0c6522ec (A)
0x0c651058 (A)
0x0c81dbb8 (A)
0x0c81f350 (A)
0x0c7633cc (A)
0x0c5cbee0 (A)
0x0c5cc08c (A)
0x0c6416ec (A)
0x0c5c9ab0 (A)
0x0c7633cc (A)
0x0c04d194 (A)
0x0c04d20c (A)
0x0c5c791c (A)
0x0c5c7624 (A)
0x0c5c9d80 (A)
0x0c5cacf4 (A)
0x0c65022c (A)
0x0c650440 (A)
0x0c04ce68 (A)
0x03f8ddb8 (A)

Global status:

bInFocus: 1
bMouseDown: 0
bInLogic: 0
bInRender: 1
GPS Pos: (0.000000,0.000000)
Camera: pos:(0.000000,0.000000) rot:0 persp:0 zoom:0.000000 eng=0)
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Oct 22, 2012 9:39 am

What is the screen resolution of your device?

How much memory (RAM) does your device have?

What is the contents of sys.txt in the main Primo folder?
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby altaïr51 » Mon Oct 22, 2012 1:14 pm

hi yurbuh tuggly my radio car is hoatoa ht9000i url: [Please Register or Login to download file]
screen resolution is 800X480
memory is 128 mb
and my txt:




planned_route_contour_width = 1
planned_route_track_contour_width = 1
planned_route_track_width = 5



my primo release is iGo Primo 2.0 Build with Primo2 Repair Kit. after installing repair kit no resolution probleme but i dont understand doenst not work thanks
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Oct 22, 2012 2:43 pm

For test purposes, rename sys.txt to sys.OLDtxt, delete the Save folder, reboot/restart the device, and try again....see what happens.
Make sure at least one valid Map file (*.fbl) or at least basemap.fbl is present in the ..content\map folder.
If it starts up OK, you will be directed through Setup again (a good thing), then see if it can detect satellites by getting a lock on your position (if you have a local map installed).
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby altaïr51 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 8:45 am

hi yurtub in primo\content\map i have : basemap.flb ; france.flb ; france .fda ; france.fpa ; france.fsp
Always in crash.txt this string :WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \StorageCard\Primo\ not found):
but the maps is here!! i dont understand!!
The path of maps should be written as this: primo\content\ ???? or this is a licence problem?? thanhs
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Wed Oct 24, 2012 9:33 am

altaïr51 wrote:\StorageCard\Primo\ not found):

No, that is just a 'generic' error--whenever any kind of crash happens, that line will show in the crash.txt. It has nothing to do with Maps, it only means the program crashed 'for some reason'.
If it is crashing out before it even starts up (assuming you have done everything above), you likely have a bad install or some corrupt files somewhere.
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby chas521 » Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:07 pm

altaïr51 wrote:hi yurtub in primo\content\map i have : basemap.flb ; france.flb ; france .fda ; france.fpa ; france.fsp
Always in crash.txt this string :WinCE CallStack snapshot (function names unknown - map file \StorageCard\Primo\ not found):
but the maps is here!! i dont understand!!
The path of maps should be written as this: primo\content\ ???? or this is a licence problem?? thanhs

Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:No, that is just a 'generic' error--whenever any kind of crash happens, that line will show in the crash.txt. It has nothing to do with Maps, it only means the program crashed 'for some reason'.
If it is crashing out before it even starts up (assuming you have done everything above), you likely have a bad install or some corrupt files somewhere.

Well, let me explain further. That crash log message is "normal." It's happening because you are using a cracked version. It doesn't mean that anything is really wrong.
If it ain't broke don't fix it!

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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Wed Oct 24, 2012 2:18 pm

chas521 wrote:It doesn't mean that anything is really wrong.

Yes, but you don't get a crash log until you get a crash. Meaning something is wrong!
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby kamoteka » Wed Oct 24, 2012 4:21 pm

altaïr51 wrote:Memory Stats:

FreeMemory: 20 MB, 644 KB, 0 B
TotalUseableMemory: 26 MB, 132 KB, 0 B
MaxMemory: 129 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ReservedMemory: 1 MB, 0 KB, 0 B
ActualCacheSize: 2 MB, 981 KB, 474 B
GarbageSize: 2 MB, 981 KB, 474 B

This suggests that your device does not have enough memory to run Primo. Primo needs at least 40 to 45 mb of total usable memory on your device.
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Postby EZorb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 2:05 am

I have just installed a new unit which also has 128 mb. I have iGO Primo 2.0 with USA maps Skins and TTS PRO voice. For no apparent reason after car is in garage then next morning start up car back out and put car in drive and notice the GPS has crashed. Have restart Win ce6 by pulling negative battery lead and for a few min. and we are good to go again.

My question is what GPS software can I use that does not use so much memory?

I sure wish I new about memory problem before I bough this unit.

Thank for a reply
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Postby EZorb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 3:09 am

kamoteka wrote:This suggests that your device does not have enough memory to run Primo. Primo needs at least 40 to 45 mb of total usable memory on your device.

Is this internal memory or does the external SDHC card also count in total memory?
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:43 am

EZorb wrote:Is this internal memory or does the external SDHC card also count in total memory?

You are confusing storage memory with RAM. RAM is not where you put is available only to the OS and programs to run stuff. For instance, a unit may be advertised with 128 MB internal storage and 4 GB SD Card, but neither is the often have to search harder and maybe find that the device has only 64 MB of RAM for the OS and programs to use.
EZorb wrote:My question is what GPS software can I use that does not use so much memory?

You can try without TTS (TTS Voices take huge amounts of memory compared to non-TTS), or try something instead of Primo like this:
Be aware however, that a crash can be caused by any number of things...not just a lack of memory.. and may happen rarely or sometimes just once and never again!
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby bazzle » Tue Oct 30, 2012 5:50 am

Look for i3 Primo2.
It seems to run very well on low memory devices :caress:

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Postby altaïr51 » Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:14 am

I am going to try without the voices TTS thank you to you two for your help
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Postby EZorb » Tue Oct 30, 2012 4:25 pm

Yurbuh Tuggly wrote:You are confusing storage memory with RAM. RAM is not where you put is available only to the OS and programs to run stuff. For instance, a unit may be advertised with 128 MB internal storage and 4 GB SD Card, but neither is the often have to search harder and maybe find that the device has only 64 MB of RAM for the OS and programs to use.

You can try without TTS (TTS Voices take huge amounts of memory compared to non-TTS), or try something instead of Primo like this:
Be aware however, that a crash can be caused by any number of things...not just a lack of memory.. and may happen rarely or sometimes just once and never again!

Here is my unit spec.
Manufacturer Specifications

Main System Information
-RISC Microprocessor: Sirf Atlas V
-Frequency: 500 MHz
-RAM Memory: 128 MB
-Internal Flash Memory: 128 MB
-External Memory (SD card support): up to 32GB
-Default Baud Rate: 9600
-COM Port: 2
-Operating System: Microsoft Windows CE 6.0 (compatible with all major GPS software packages)
GPS Information

So it appears I have 2 times the mimumn needed.
If I have enough RAM then what steps should I take to find my problem. It crashed before loading in TTS and skins. It will run OK for days and then for no apparent reason will crash on the next time starting the car. It has never crashed while using the program. When finding a route I have noticed that it will take several seconds bring up the place to type in the street name.

Thanks for the help I am starting to get a feel for this.
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