Primo 2 Niggles   

Primo 2 Niggles

Postby exflyboy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:05 am

Hi Guys and thanks for reading my thread. I have recently upgraded from Igo8 to Primo2 Zervdim edition. Whilst appreciating the numerous advantages Primo2 has I do have a couple of issues about it, first of all why on earth are the information panes black on a white background? surely white on a dark background is far easier and safer to see at a glance whilst driving, I know that perhaps there are skins out there which may resolve the problem but I haven't found any yet. I am using the Alternate Cockpit 2 which has a blue border and makes life a bit easier. The next issue I have is the pronunciation of TTS Pro Kate (Loquendo) she seems to say for instance 'turn left on to I40' instead of 'turn left on to A40' also a minor bugbear is that I would like her to say motorway instead of highway, I did recieve help on another site for this even recieving an edited Kate voice file, all seemed OK until I actualy went on a motorway and all TTS voice commands with motorway/highway in them stopped working. Lastly, a very minor issue, I decided to see if I could change the loading and exiting splash screens, I made these up and using Photoshop I converted them to the correct resolutions and to .bmp files, then also with help from other sites, I edited the branding and data zips replacing the splash screens without unzipping then on startup I get 'resolution not supported' message despite numerous rechecks of edited files.

Apart from this, I am enjoying the program which despite my little problems, is far better that Igo8. Thanks in advance for any suggestions offered.
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:21 am

What you have is a 'highly modified' version of Primo2. So all bets are off as to what was added/modified, changes to, changes to, voices, and how everything works (or doesn't work) together.
I have found errors throughout that build too numerous to mention.
I would describe the simple method of replacing the Loading Screen (Primo2 does not use a different Exiting Screen), but chances are it may not work for you correctly.
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby exflyboy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:46 am

Hi Yurbuh Tuggly
thanks for the reply,yes, I did guess as much to what you have suggested, my setup does work very well indeed despite my little niggles and I can live with it very easily. Plus the fact that I'm a great believer in 'if it aint broke, don't fix it'. Thanks again.
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Sat Apr 21, 2012 6:59 am

If you are happy with it, then definitely leave it alone.
With such 'customized' builds, there often is no 'fixing' it (customized builds can be very convoluted)...many times the ultimate answer is to replace it with a more standard/generic build so that the little things you desire CAN be accomplished and supported without running into roadblocks from somebody else's idea of whatever they thought was a good thing.
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby exflyboy » Sat Apr 21, 2012 7:14 am

Yes, couldn't agree with you more, I will leave it well alone and experiment with a generic build of Primo2 which I should have somewhere on my HD. Perhaps if Zervdim reads this thread, he can take on board just two of my niggles, in the UK we call highways motorways so Kate GB voice could be modified and dark background and white charachters on the information panes please. Thanks again.
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Apr 21, 2012 9:55 am

Also annoying in the UK is the American "turning circle" instead of "roundabout"

But if you like to tweak and modify then YT is right, use an original unmodified build
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Postby chas521 » Sat Apr 21, 2012 11:59 am

Fatboyfun wrote:Also annoying in the UK is the American "turning circle" instead of "roundabout"

But if you like to tweak and modify then YT is right, use an original unmodified build

First of all, it's "traffic circle" not turning circle my other side pond folks. Secondly, I could easily fix the roundabout thing and easily fix the motorway TTS thing but you would need to listen to this American!
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Postby Fatboyfun » Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:25 pm

Traffic circle! That's the one, I'd only just woken up :O
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Postby kamoteka » Sat Apr 21, 2012 3:10 pm


As far I know, there are no official TTS Pro Loquendo voices for Primo. However, you can copy a Nuance voice, change the ini file to point a loquendo engine and you can have yourself a TTS Pro Loquendo voice.

Please try this Kate voice that was copied from Serena UK Nuance voice:
[Please Register or Login to download file]

Also, I checked the Primo2 Zervidim edition, and it looked like it has a [ui_igo9] folder in the primo root that has the loading and exiting images. Look for your resolution folder (e.g, 480_272, 800_480, etc) in this [ui_igo9] folder and replace the loading.bmp and exiting.bmp images found here and you would have your own customized loading image.
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Postby exflyboy » Mon Apr 23, 2012 5:32 am

Hi kamoteka, thanks for your help, have downloaded the voice file and seems to work OK. Regarding the splash screens, I have already done what you have suggested in botn the generic (Thanks YT) and the Zervdim's editions of Primo2 whith the same error message on startup, 'cannot support resolution' despite checking and rechecking that all the files are correct, I'm just wondering if I have overlooked something or is there an .ini file to edit. Failing that, I've resigned myself to keeping everything as it is, it's fun to play around with it but now enough is enough!! Thanks again to all for your help, fantastic and helpful website, wish I would have joined earlier.
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Postby chas521 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:11 pm

exflyboy wrote:Hi kamoteka, thanks for your help, have downloaded the voice file and seems to work OK. Regarding the splash screens, I have already done what you have suggested in botn the generic (Thanks YT) and the Zervdim's editions of Primo2 whith the same error message on startup, 'cannot support resolution' despite checking and rechecking that all the files are correct, I'm just wondering if I have overlooked something or is there an .ini file to edit. Failing that, I've resigned myself to keeping everything as it is, it's fun to play around with it but now enough is enough!! Thanks again to all for your help, fantastic and helpful website, wish I would have joined earlier.

Did you read this?
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Postby Yurbuh Tuggly » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:33 pm

For Primo2, it should be like this:
{Main Primo Folder}
>>480_272 (if that is your resolution!)

If your resolution is something else (like 800x480), the folder under ui_igo9 should be named accordingly (like 800_480).
The loading.bmp must named exactly that, be in 'Windows' format BMP, be your exact resolution in size, and be 24 bit color depth.
If any of the above is not correct, you will get errors.
As a guide, a loading.bmp file for 320x240 must be exactly 225KB, for 480x272 382KB, and for 800x480 1.09MB. If they end up to be ANY other size in KB/MB, then they are wrong.
If you are sure you have all of the above correct, you can then open (do not extract it!) in your favorite zip utility, drill down to the same folders, and highlight/delete any existing loading.bmp files directly from the file.
But that's just my opinion..I could be wrong.
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Postby chas521 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 1:50 pm

Just want to add: If your Primo program does not have a separate folder called "ui_igo9", then create one. Go to "", unrar it using Winrar, go to "ui_igo9" folder inside of the, select your resolution folder, paste it into the separate new "ui_igo9" folder you created, inside of the resolution folder you just pasted create a folder called "night". Then follow all of Yurbuh Tuggly's guidance above.
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Postby exflyboy » Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:58 pm

Done it!! My thanks goes to YT and chas521, used a combination of both descriptions and I have a new splash screen, Cheers guys.
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Postby chas521 » Mon Apr 23, 2012 9:22 pm

exflyboy wrote:Done it!! My thanks goes to YT and chas521, used a combination of both descriptions and I have a new splash screen, Cheers guys.

You're very welcome. That's what we do here at Navitotal and what makes us better than other GPS sites.
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