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Radar Function gets disabled after Creating a Route/Search

Tue Jul 23, 2013 9:43 am

Hi all,

i am new here, and would like to say hello to you :)

I have gotten Primo 1.1 with the Dimka Tomsoft 1.1.5 (b) Skin, everything is working fine, only problem i got is following:

When i create a route, or search for an adress, immediately after the Navigation Route is calculated and shown, the Radar Warning/function is disabled in the settings (check mark is gone)

When i re-check mark it again, it stays on (including the signs on the map) till another Search is made.

Any Ideas? :helpsos:


ps: hope i am the right topic section :scratch_one-s_head_

Tue Jul 23, 2013 10:57 am

You are WELCOME.

The Radar Warning/function will be enabled in 2 ways:
- When (while) simulating a route (Menu/route/simulate)
- After the unit is connecting with satellites, in the begining of actual navigation.

Check if it works for you in the same way. If it does, don't bother, after it connects with the satellites, it will be enabled.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 11:40 am

More often than not, deleting or renaming the save folder fixes a lot of errors. FYI, the save folder is where the program maintains your program options and such. A new save folder is created when you start/end the program next.

EDIT: FYI, the speedcams option can not be activated until you get a satellite lock.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:03 pm

Hi you two :)

thanks for your fast replies.

1. I always delete the save folder, after changing something :)
2. The Problem is not that the speedcam option doesnt get activated, it gets activated, and stays active till i "plan a route" or "till i search an adress" and it starts to navigate, then it gets disabled, and if i want the speedcam 2 be activ, i have to reactivate them in the settings.

It only apears with the Dimka Tomsoft 1.1.5 (b) Skin, not with the GJA 2.26 Skin, so its a bug? :( -
Some who has the same Skin hast the same problems?


Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:27 pm

Obvious response. Have you tried using ONLY the default skin? Perhaps you should try a different skin - just saying.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:50 pm

With a different Skin (eg. Gurjan GJA 2.26 Skin or normal Zenec Primo 1.1 Skin) i dont have this "bug" .. thats why i am asking if someone has the same "bug" if its a bug, or if someone knows how to "get rid of this bug" ?

Because else the Dimka Tomsoft Skin 1.1.5 (B) ist brilliant, and i dont want to miss it :) :)

ty tom

Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:52 pm

Is it possible that you got a bad download of the D/T skin? Try it again.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:17 pm

Tried but still the same :(

I would also use & take the GJA 2.26 Skin, which i like too & radars work always ;) - but here i got 2 other problems:

1. The Date on the right side is wrong, its like xx.xx.2005
2. The TMC Symbol is 3x present (one on the button itself, and 2x below of it which is bad cause its displayed direct in the nav screen)

a screenshoot here


any ideas how 2 fix them? :)


Tue Jul 23, 2013 2:21 pm

I really don't know how to correct them. The skin maker might help. There should be place that you can ask the skin maker at his site. I think it's called Guestbook.

Tue Jul 23, 2013 4:46 pm

Okay thanks,
someone else an idea, how 2 change that, cause i dont find the skin maker site of Gurjon :(

ty tom

Tue Jul 23, 2013 5:05 pm

Try [Please Register or Login to download file] for Gurjon skins.
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