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Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Tue Sep 22, 2015 11:43 pm

Hi -

I would like to get the latest version of IGo for the states and Canada

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sat Oct 03, 2015 4:35 am

hey all iam looking for an update for IGO PRiMO 2.4 truck navigation thx

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sat Oct 03, 2015 2:55 pm

For it to be an update, you have to say which version you are updating from.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sat Oct 03, 2015 5:22 pm

Hiya, I am looking to update my IGO primo my way map for the UK 2015 can you help please. cheers Ken Weston

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sat Oct 03, 2015 9:35 pm

That's just a matter of getting the newest maps. They work on all versions of iGo. Look in the maps section.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Mon Oct 12, 2015 1:01 am

Request latest USA maps for Igo 2.0

My current maps are date 4/5/2012.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Thu Oct 15, 2015 7:03 pm

Can the mods advise if the features of Primo 2 on wince can be made to work in the Android Israel version of this program.
Specifically the utility features and the TMC in FM mode.The voices currently use the google tts engine but I would prefer the igo original nuance pro voices . Are these possible.Tnx

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:19 pm

mrenkema wrote:Hello folks.

In IGO 2.4, sys.txt this statement has no effect:

shutdown_time=0 disables shutdown when external power is disconnected. any other values >0 & <10 is equal to those seconds.

I would like to the nav not to shut down, so time=0

But the timing stays on 10 seconds. Whatever number I fill in.

Any thoughts? Alternative way?

Thanks, Marten

Can anyone help me with this? On the motorbike the 12V current is interrupted many times, eg by starting the engine.
So I do not want this to have influence on the navigation.

My sys.txt:








Thanks, Marten

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sun Oct 18, 2015 7:26 pm

How are you exiting Igo? Is your device always connected to the bike? Even when you first start?

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:07 pm

Yes, always connected to the bike. But sometimes the current is lost (bumps) and then if I see it too late (after 10 secs) the nav is down of course.

Something to arrange with the power chapter? ->


Not sure what the tags mean though.

So far I tried:




No luck.

ini file in Profile folder??

Thanks, Marten

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Mon Oct 19, 2015 1:15 pm

Probably not the best idea to always leave it connected to the "power source" on the bike. I would always start the bike first and then connect the device. Also, make sure you always shut down the program correctly. Always exit through the program and do not just shutdown the device.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Mon Oct 19, 2015 2:58 pm

Thanks. I tried it in all different ways.
Even on the power socket at home the irritating window comes up if I disconnect the navigation from the outlet.

I just want the unit to switch to the battery mode without the pop-up window asking me what to do if the external power is switched off.

By the way the unit is a GoRider Excallibur.

Regards, Marten

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Mon Oct 19, 2015 9:03 pm

I believe that's the way they work. If you change the power source all of a sudden, a message comes up asking what to do. I'm pretty sure that's built-in to the program.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:02 pm

Yep, build in, but via the sys.txt adjustable. But different nav's, different solutions.
In most cases


works fine. In some others cases (like in mine) it does not.

Re: Requests--Make your requests for iGo-Primo here

Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:56 pm

Unfortunately, that's the core of the problem. In my experience, some sys.txt entries that work in iGO8 do not work in Primo and visa versa. A lot of sys.txt entries are not put out by the developer but occur by the crackers creating them.
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