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Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:46 pm

Dan is het wachten op een Nederlandse stem ;)

Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:29 pm

Ton wrote:I try to get tts nuance working with primo 1.1 but unfortunately I have not been able to find Dutch voices for tts_nua_v5.
I do have a dutch female voice (v_tts_nu_dut_nl_f4_laura.zip) but that doesn' t wordt with the tts_nua_v5.
I think it is because in the info.ini file it reads voicekey="tts_nuance_3".
Is there a way to work around this by either using the files that come with tts_nua_v3 (which I don't have !) or by editing the female voice file that works with tts_nua_v3 ?
Suggestions are appreciated !

Do you actually have the Dutch TTS Nuance V5 engine ? If so, and you have a TTS Nuance V3 voice, open the zip voice file and modify the info.ini file add the line :


If above line exist but with different value (e.g. =nuance_v3) replace it as in above.

Sun Aug 15, 2010 3:45 pm

the info.ini file reads as follows:
languagename="Dutch (NL) TTS"
name="Laura TTS"
testsound="\vol=100\ Hoi Hendrik, rijdt voorzichtig!"

recalulate="\vol=100\ Nieuwe \pause=80\ berekening."
ask_recalulate="\vol=100\ Opnieuw berekenen?"
offroute="\vol=100\ Van de route."
traffic_jam="\vol=100\ File \pause=80\ op uw route."
overspeed="\vol=100\ Hendrik je rijdt te hard!"
gps_signal_lost="\vol=100\ GPS signaal te zwak."
gps_disconnect="\vol=100\ GPS verbinding verbroken."

;<esc>\vol=0 to 80 to 100\ vol 0 to 100 to 200% 2x (+6dB)
;<esc>\rate=1 to 50 to 100\ -50 to 100 to +250%
;<esc>\pause=50\ msecs

As you notice, there is no line that refers to the tts engine. Should I just insert the line tts_engine="nuance_v5" as you suggest, and thus is matter where to put it in the file ?


Mon Aug 16, 2010 2:58 am

nabi wrote:Dan is het wachten op een Nederlandse stem ;)

Say what? English only - but you know that.

Mon Aug 16, 2010 7:36 am

Extra service for the members ;)

Mon Aug 16, 2010 6:52 pm

Ton wrote:As you notice, there is no line that refers to the tts engine. Should I just insert the line tts_engine="nuance_v5" as you suggest, and thus is matter where to put it in the file ?


Yes, but remember, this will not work if you do not have the Dutch TTS Nuance V5 engine.

Mon Aug 16, 2010 8:16 pm

kamoteka wrote:Yes, but remember, this will not work if you do not have the Dutch TTS Nuance V5 engine.

Appreciate your help kamoteka - thanks.
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