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Switching apps on KL8216G unit causes sound break

Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:50 pm

Don't know whether this is a unit specific issue or whether there is a parameter that can be set. But running iGo8.3.5 with WinCE6 on a Chinese HU KL8216G, every time I change from Nav to anything else (radio, dvd, sd ...) whatever is playing is interrupted for 2 seconds or so and then resumes once the selected app is shown. Thus, you're in Navi, for example, whilst enjoying some tune on the radio, if you select BAND or DVD or anything, the sound will cut out until the selected app is displayed.

I have a Chinese Maisun unit in my other vehicle on WinCE5 and it doesn't have this issue. Is it a WinCE issue (as with altitude which doesn't work under WINCE6), a unit issue .... any ideas?



Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:00 pm

If it's doing it when non-wince things are started, like say the radio/DVD then I'd say it's a quirk of the unit, especially if it's always done it.

EDIT: Besides, two seconds doesn't seem very long to endure unless you're being tortured.

Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:43 pm

Well two seconds is not very long depending on which side of the toilet door you're on. But it's probably longer than that. Yep, it's always done it but it's just getting more annoying so since it wasn't doing it my another Chinese knock off, I thought perhaps it was a parameter (which I couldn't find) or a WinCE quirk. BTW has there been any work around "elevation " not working on CE6.0?

Appreciate the help

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