Your morning, not mine, I suppose.
As usual, I did nothing
nabi wrote:Your morning, not mine, I suppose.
As usual, I did nothing
Fatboyfun wrote:There's nothing in the settings that influence guidance speech, There is a rules text file somewhere where you can change these things, but unless you changed it yourself it's unlikely to be wrong, I don't have a device to hand to tell you where it is.
What voices are you using?
Fatboyfun wrote:I had a poke through the Loquendo files and this looks suspect...
File at: -> config\config_transforms.lua
[SPOILER=Text]local function format_road_number(roadnum)
local res
if is_road_number(roadnum) then
roads = transform_roadnumber_explode_eu(roadnum)
for k, str in ipairs(roads) do
-- Nagybetu
str = wstring.upper(str)
-- Kotojelbol space
str = wstring.gsub(str, L"(%a)-(%a)", L"%1 %2")
_,_,head,num,tail = wstring.find(str, L"^(.-)(%d+)(.-)$")
if head == L"A" then head = L"Ay" end
-- Szam formazas
num = format_number(num)
-- Tail formazas
tail = transform.direction_abbrev:transform(tail)
-- Osszerakjuk
str = table_concat({head,num,tail}, L" ")
-- Dupla space ki
str = wstring.gsub(str, L"%s%s+", L" ")
-- Eltesszuk
roads[k] = str
res = table_concat(roads, L"; ")
res = transform.roadname_abbrev_table:transform(roadnum)
return res
Maybe changing it to if head == L"A" then head = L"A" end instead, See what happens...
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