Since I am the person responsible for those LOQ TTS voices and components, please let me butt-in with some support and advice. You must do this:
1. In the blue box is my modified TTS_LOQ folder. Using Winrar, extract the folder [not the files] to the root of your Primo folder.
2. Copy and paste [in your case] the English .dll and all of the other three in 4.2 to the root of your Primo folder.
Just saw that my 4.2 .dlls has the English. dll so just copy the whole download and replace the other 5.0 .dlls.3. Copy and paste all the English voices to content\voice.
4. You must make the edit changes located in the blue box for Primo.
5. I haven't tried the LOQ TTS in Primo 2.0 so you might have to delete 2.0 and install my 1.1 which is ready to go EXCEPT that you must change the .dll for 4.2.