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Go 730

Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:00 am

I want to buy a "defective" Go 730 , after using it for a minute, the screen starts flashing between the map and settings etc and there is no way to stop it except turning device off.Is there a fix for this problem ?
Also, where can I find TomTom 1.9 (usa canada)for Iphone 4?


Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:42 am

Connect to your PC, delete all files and folders from the device except:
ttgo.bif in the root of the device.
the map folder
the folders "voices", "LoquendoTTS", "ephem", "schemes", "gns" - if they don't exist don't worry too much.
Use TT Home to update to the current 8.351 Navcore (Home calls it "Application").
Disconnect and reboot.
Report back.

If the problem is still the same I suspect a faulty touch panel, or just dust and dirt under the edges, also make sure you have no screen protector on it.
You can find instruction on how to dismantle the TT in the help section.
Take the front off, clean the display and the frame of the housing.
Put it back together and try again.
If the touch panel really is faulty you can get a replacement on Ebay for a few bucks from China.
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