possossod wrote:OK, I'm a n00b, so I'll keep asking a lot of question.
1. Is there "list" of what's updated with every me or is it simply updated roads.
2. And about navcore, I'm using 9.053 in my xxl iq routes europe. Should i stick with it or will I gain anything in upgrading to navcore 9.2x
possossod wrote:So, I guess I'll update my maps to the highest definition possible of the western Europe version only, I live in the corner of European continent and it's very little likely I'll ever need to use it much outside of Portugal.
What would be the best option? the large Iberia plus the 1GB Western Europe or the just the ~1.9GB Western Europe?
; Southern_Europe_865_3245
6B 01 DA E4 F9 39 ED 94 75 22 3A 87 7E 86 AF 15 Southern_Europe-297.meta
; Western_and_Central_Europe_865_3245
CA F1 A0 9D 42 DB DB 85 19 FB ED EF 5B 99 3E 92 Western_and_Central_Europe-297.meta
; Western_Europe_865_3246
B5 E8 D1 D1 62 EE 1B 20 CC 42 3B 91 6D 6D 96 C5 Western_Europe-298.meta
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