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Absolute beginner in TT updating

Sun Jul 31, 2011 3:36 pm

Hi guys,

I am an absolute beginner in updating my TT One. I tried a lot but I am stuck.
I have a TT One app. is 7.903, current map is Western Europe 650.1052 on a 2 Gb SD.
I want to make it work with the latest map on a new 2 Gb card.
I am maybe naive but have downloaded the map files 870.3417, launched the exe hoping it would make a working card. It did not !
I have many hours to find a thread or a tuto explaining the right way but failed !

Can you help me ?

Many thanks from an absolute beginner in TT updating.

Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:45 pm

The map is ok, but please mak sure to use the latest version of FastActivate linked in the 870 map thread, the tool included in the installer might be outdated.
Update the meta.txt, patch Navcore and activate map - the first 3 buttons from the left in that order.
After that it should work fine.

Tue Aug 02, 2011 11:24 am

Should I use a blank SD card or use the current (or a copy) that actually resides in my TT One ?


Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:08 pm

on4kir wrote:Should I use a blank SD card or use the current (or a copy) that actually resides in my TT One ?


Copy everything except your old map, to your new 2GB card. Add your new map & follow Downunder's instructions in post 2.
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