Before I execute, check my work please? (TomTom One 310 - Ca   

Before I execute, check my work please? (TomTom One 310 - Ca

Postby o2G2o » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:09 pm

Hi guys,

I know most of these newb questions are probably irritating, and I don't *think* I'm a complete knob...but before I turn my GPS into a paperweight I thought it would be best to post about what I'm about to do and what I'm unclear on.

1. I DLed USA_and_Canada_865_3261 from a torrent site (< 1GB)
2. I copy/pasted the current files at the root of my device to a folder on my desktop
3. I DLed 9.101_one.rar from a member's post on this site

If I understand correctly, I'm to run an .exe from the .rar file (still DLing), and then somehow direct it to the map I've DLed? I'm a bit unclear on the steps, even though I feel I've read them several times in various posts on the site. Any help is appreciated!

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Postby o2G2o » Sun Jan 08, 2012 10:23 pm

DeviceName=TomTom ONE
DeviceVersionHW=ONE (v8)
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Postby o2G2o » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:09 pm

Alright, well I gave it a shot and obviously did something wrong, because I have a big red X on my home screen. :(
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Postby tendriver » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:47 pm

o2G2o wrote:1. I DLed USA_and_Canada_865_3261 from a torrent site (< 1GB)
2. ApplicationVersionVersionNumber=7502
3. I have a big red X on my home screen

1. For quality control reasons, we don't offer support for maps downloaded elsewhere. The map current edition is 880. 865 is way out of date.
2. 7502 is not compatible with the 865 maps. 7.903 is the minimum required.
3. See answer 2.
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Postby o2G2o » Sun Jan 08, 2012 11:59 pm

Hey tendriver, thanks for the reply! I don't blame you for lack of support for maps from elsewhere...

I'm going to start over. I deleted all files off the TomTom and I'm putting my original files back on.
I've just downloaded SE_Navcore.9004.1804.Basicpack.rar (I believe I also need to download a TTsystem file as well? EDIT - seems it's included in the Basicpack)

So after more reading, it seems
1. I unzip the Basicpack and overwrite as required onto TT drive
2. do the same for TTsystem (when I find it)
3. download and install a supported map (under 1GB, North America...which I'm not sure I've seen in the lists but will look again!)
4. download and run newest AutoActivate (same version for all models?)
5. reboot device.

Does that sound right? Thanks again, this site is really great and I apologize for not quite grasping everything!
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Postby tendriver » Mon Jan 09, 2012 12:57 am

o2G2o wrote:Hey tendriver, thanks for the reply! I don't blame you for lack of support for maps from elsewhere...

I'm going to start over. I deleted all files off the TomTom and I'm putting my original files back on.
A. I've just downloaded SE_Navcore.9004.1804.Basicpack.rar (I believe I also need to download a TTsystem file as well? EDIT - seems it's included in the Basicpack)

So after more reading, it seems
1. I unzip the Basicpack and overwrite as required onto TT drive
2. do the same for TTsystem (when I find it)
3. download and install a supported map (under 1GB, North America...which I'm not sure I've seen in the lists but will look again!)
4. download and run newest AutoActivate (same version for all models?)
5. reboot device.

Does that sound right? Thanks again, this site is really great and I apologize for not quite grasping everything!

A. If you got 9.004 here: Latest Navcores the SE ttsystem is not in the basicpack. It is a seperate download, just below the basicpack.rar.
1. OK
2. OK
3. All 3 USA & C maps are under 1GB.
4. OK
5. OK
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Postby o2G2o » Mon Jan 09, 2012 9:23 pm

Everything was going well until I installed the new map...when it got to cspeech_AR.dat I got a disk full error. I used the 880.3811 map, which I thought was 1GB... (not one of the ones in the list with "2GB" next to it). I even deleted the whole North_America folder on the Tomtom before starting. Now what?
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Postby tendriver » Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:19 am

o2G2o wrote:Everything was going well until I installed the new map...when it got to cspeech_AR.dat I got a disk full error. I used the 880.3811 map, which I thought was 1GB... (not one of the ones in the list with "2GB" next to it). I even deleted the whole North_America folder on the Tomtom before starting.

1. Now what?

1. Maybe read the 5 points in post 6. It appears you haven't yet.
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Postby o2G2o » Tue Jan 10, 2012 1:42 am

I had just finished a mini-novel about this, when I realized North_America and USA_Canada are somehow not the same thing in the world of TomTom. My bad - I was in the wrong list. The last map took me an entire day to download (due to imposed wait times between downloads of individual files) and it looks like it was for nothing!


Thank you though, I will fix this now!
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Postby tendriver » Tue Jan 10, 2012 4:07 am

o2G2o wrote:I realized North_America and USA_Canada are somehow not the same thing in the world of TomTom.

In the world of TomTom, North America maps are for 2GB & larger memories. USA & C maps are for 1GB memories.
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Postby zheka » Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:50 am

Can someone please provide a guide on how to update TT XL 310 Canada. I tried it with the latest map but it doesn't work. It's the device without a SD card
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Postby o2G2o » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:05 am

tendriver wrote:In the world of TomTom, North America maps are for 2GB & larger memories. USA & C maps are for 1GB memories.

Everything is working great now, including the speed cams! Thanks for sticking with me through the trying time! ;)
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Postby Downunder35m » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:09 am

The are no other instructions needed for a XL310.
If you want help you have to help us too, that goes posting the correct error messages and what you have done/used.
We don't play guessing games here as we don't have the time for it ;)

But good that you got it sorted and gave the feedback :)
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Postby o2G2o » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:17 am

zheka wrote:Can someone please provide a guide on how to update TT XL 310 Canada. I tried it with the latest map but it doesn't work. It's the device without a SD card

1. Plug in TT to computer
2. Download SE_Navcore.9004.1804.Basicpack, unzip, copy/paste files to root of TT (overwrite if asked)
3. Download SE_ttsystem.9004.1804.rev1, unzip, copy/paste files to root of TT (overwrite if asked)
4. Reboot TT
5. Download map USA_Canada_880_3868
6. Put the 4 map files into a folder (called anything you want) on your desktop, double click the first file and all will unzip.
7. Delete folder "USA_Canada" from your TT root and then paste entire contents of unzipped desktop map folder you created
8. Download and run this: Fastactivate

That should be it. If I missed something, someone please correct me.
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Postby zheka » Wed Jan 11, 2012 4:44 am

Very nice, thanks o2G2o!!! You are The Man!
I'm trying to download SE_Navcore.9004.1804.Basicpack and SE_ttsystem.9004.1804.rev1 from this forum and the redirect guides me somewhere where I start downloading setup.exe and my antivirus blocks it.
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