Tue Dec 17, 2013 11:08 pm
Hello everyone.. :-)
I need some advice / help to choose the best navcore for Tomtom XL (4EG0.001.00 - Canada 310) 32MB of Ram and 1GB internal memory (no sd card :-( ). I want use last maps available (Iberia 920).
- 9.530-SE X00 X10 ONE ONE_XL
- Nav_9.510_ONE_ONE_XL
- Nav_9.510_swap_GO_x10_x00_One_XL
- Pack-9.170SE-ONE&XL
these 4 navcore do not know what the best, or what I choose.
Thanks in advance,
kimkiko ;-)
Wed Dec 18, 2013 3:44 am
After thre years in our forum you should know where our sections are located.
No idea where you found those Navcores, but proper ones can be found in the right section.