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Mon Sep 26, 2011 8:52 am

Been looking for a way to actually get into parts of the OS itself, thought it was just something on the rom that you couldn't change, how do you get to the control panel? :O also yeah i suspected it was something to do with 'trip logger' keeping loads of data so i disabled it and the error hasn't been back since. and about IQ routes, so it's basically calculating route times based on other things such as traffic rather than max speed - clever. I could get a different route at 5 in the afternoon because of the traffic.


EDIT: I figured it out, downloaded a custom nav menu that let me get into WinCE :)

Mon Sep 26, 2011 3:42 pm

Another way to do it is to set up external programmes in iGO to include \Windows\Control.exe (WinCE control panel) and \Windows\Explorer.exe (Explorer) Or Total Commander if you didn't want another shell.

Be careful with changes as there is no hard reset available.

Mon Sep 26, 2011 4:44 pm

Ok so. I tried moving the slider as far as it would go, this caused all applications to fail to start with 'not enough resources' or something to that effect. So I rebooted the device and tried it again to just over half way. Still the same out of memory crashes in my nav apps. I might have a bash at the mortscript approach, now I can run those programs directly. Failing that, I'll have to use TomTom 6 which has maps from '08, unless of course there are more recent maps for a version that old, which I doubt. :unknw_mini:


Mon Sep 26, 2011 5:23 pm

Normally i set the memory division to 512KB Storage (Towards the Left), Never had a problem with any app, Tomtom 7 has issues with WinCE 6, Even though it says Not enough memory, It's not a memory error, It's a problem with memory allocation for libraries (.dll's) This is a problem with Tomtom itself.

The Mortscript trick can allow Tomtom to work, but it won't allow you to save favourites and certain map related settings, Also it always starts with a route in memory and corrupts itself all the time needing to be reinstalled from scratch, It gets frustrating very quickly!

Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:09 pm

OOHHH to the left. Should have read it better, derp. I guess no TT7 then :think: I'll keep tweaking this memory slider and see how it goes.

Mon Sep 26, 2011 7:28 pm

The memory division is the difference between application RAM and temporary storage, Even though the device is sold as a 64MB RAM device, if the division is set halfway (Default setting) you only have around 32MB, It's possible for applications to adjust this division themselves.

WinCE PNA's don't really require temporary storage but need lots of RAM, Windows CE won't allow you to set the temp storage to 0KB, It will keep about 64KB - 256KB as a minimum, depending on what parts of WinCE are included/omitted. 512KB is what i set my devices to.

Tue Sep 27, 2011 7:37 pm

yep. I get all that. I just didn't read it properly first time around.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:27 pm

Hi guys I'm a total newbie here, and also to the sat nav world. I had a TomTom one but a friend of mine who is an oap bought a binatone f350 but couldn't get on with it, so to help him out I swapped it. I would dearly like to install TomTom onto this Binatone f350, don't really care which version but after reading through all these posts I'm totally confused as to what to do. I can see youv'e all had probs and are very busy, but would really appreciate a step by step guide and links. I would be more than happy to help out with whatever I can. Thnx guys in advance for anything you can do to help. If this can be done then I would be more than happy to make a donation. And so should everyone else.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 5:35 pm

Guide to Binatone devices

WinCE5 devices have a "Dong-Ding" type sound, while WinCE 6 has a four note melody.

WinCE 5 = Tomtom works 100%
WinCE 6 = Tomtom doesn't work, but iGO is an excellent alternative

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:04 pm

Thnx for that fatboyfun, I'm still no wiser and still totally confused. I have a Binatone F350 6th Edition if that's any help. I'm sure there are times when you just want to pull all your hair out, and I'm sorry if I'm adding to your frustration. I will of course understand if you tell me to sling my hook, and will take no offence. But would also be just as grateful if there is anything you can do to help me. As I can't afford to buy a TomTom.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:04 pm

I had tomtom 6 working without a problem on my F350 which has winCE 6 (yours probably has that too), the only bad side is that it had really ancient maps. as fatboy suggested iGo is a really great alternative, has some good features like trip logging and IQ routes

- shiny

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:22 pm

Lesnlynne wrote:Thnx for that fatboyfun, I'm still no wiser and still totally confused. I have a Binatone F350 6th Edition if that's any help. I'm sure there are times when you just want to pull all your hair out, and I'm sorry if I'm adding to your frustration. I will of course understand if you tell me to sling my hook, and will take no offence. But would also be just as grateful if there is anything you can do to help me. As I can't afford to buy a TomTom.

We are here to help so don't worry :)

1st thing to establish is what OS your device runs, Turn the device off (using the switch, not the button) and turn it back on again.
Listen to the startup sound, A "Dong-Ding" type sound is used on devices that have WinCE 5, A four note melody is for WinCE 6

If you have WinCE 5 then you can install Tomtom and iGO (Primo)
If you have WinCE 6 then it's only iGO (Primo)

Both are a 1,000,000% better than Turbodog...

Mon Oct 03, 2011 6:55 pm

Wow you guys are the greatest, I just powered up my sat nav and I'm pretty certain it was a four note melody. With that in mind can you help me? I have a 256 meg memory card but no card reader, I took it out of my mobile phone. I truly am sorry to be so useless, but need all the help I can get. Got to go to Wales next week I know I could use the existing software on the sat nav, but really wish I had my old tomtom. Like I said I'm not bothered what version of tomtom it is, so long as I get it to work. Thank you guys for all your efforts. I don't know how right now but I will make it up to you guys.

Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:07 pm

you probably won't even need a memory card unless you're installing a huge map, the F350 has 500mb internal storage (or at least mine does) which is enough for maps of the UK. you might want to get another though just so you have that option to install more maps if you wanted. from what i know though, it only supports cards up to 2GB because they need to be formatted as FAT16.

- shiny

Mon Oct 03, 2011 7:55 pm

The procedure to install other software is easier with another memory card and a card reader, As your device is WinCE 6, I recommend iGO (8 or Primo) for up to date maps.

The memory card must not be SDHC, which means a maximum of 2GB

The benefits of using a memory card is that if you don't get it completely working 100% before you need to use it, you can pop out the card and reboot the device to restore the original software, And transferring large map files by USB cable is painfully slow on Binatone's

The procedure to install iGO (or any software) onto a memory card is simple.

1, Goto the iGO sub-forum
2, Download a version of iGO (8 or Primo) which supports your resolution (320x240) and only ONE map of your area
3, Extract the archive to a folder on your PC
4, Rename the folder to MobileNavigator
5, Rename the exefile within the folder to MobileNavigator.exe
6, Open Notepad on your PC and type... \SDMMC\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.exe and save it as SHELL.ini Remove any .txt extension that Notepad may have added
7, Copy the map (.FBL) into \MobileNavigator\Content\Map
8, Copy everything to the memory card

Card structure will look like this...
*:\MobileNavigator\MobileNavigator.exe (+ other files and folders)

9, Insert card into device and reboot
10, Tapping navigation will load the new software, If nothing happens or the old software starts, then double check the file and folder names and the path in SHELL.ini, Also check it's not SHELL.ini.txt

iGO normally requires tweaking to run properly, so don't be too concerned if you see error messages, they can all be solved.
And it's best to start with just one map installed, You can add speedcams and other stuff later, Too much content at the start causes problems.

iGO 8 is older software, but requires less resources to run and is more customizable
iGO Primo is the latest version and has more features but requires more resources to run

Both can use the latest maps and the jury's still out on which is best.

As this is in the Tomtom forum, Start a new thread in the iGO forum if you need more help :)

This build of iGO was taken from a similar Binatone model (B350?) Extract and copy to a memory card and go...
Password: navitotal

Here are updated maps and some other content.
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