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Binatone F350

Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:31 pm

Does anyone know how to convert this to TOMTOM?

Sat Jan 08, 2011 3:57 pm


There's some basic information in the thread above for a similar model.

As always make a backup of your device first.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:00 pm

alanjshaw wrote:Does anyone know how to convert this to TOMTOM?

I can't find information on your operating system but just know that TT is Linux-based not WinCE based. However, there is a TT program available for TT WinCE.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 4:53 pm

Thanks for the reply, a friend downloaded the tomtom software from Demoniod, I have packed the software in to a folder named mobilenavigator as advised in the link but there is no .exe inside the folder to rename.
Please can you advise if you know of a link to download the files required.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 7:08 pm

Download this version of Tomtom -> [Please Register or Login to download file]
[color="red"]Download and archive passwords: navitotal[/color]
Maps are here -> :link:
[color="red"]Pay attention to the compatibility chart, You have a PDA/PNA 7.4XX navcore.[/color]
Download AutoActivate -> :link:

Copy everything to a SD card, Rename both Tomtom directory to MobileNavigator and Tomtom Navigator.exe to MobileNavigator.exe

E:\Map Folder\Cline.dat... etc...

Where E:\ is whatever your PC calls your card reader

Insert card into device and reboot, Depending on device you may need to tap the option for navigate.
Tomtom should start now (in french) and complain about map activation.
Turn off device, remove card and put back into PC.
Run AutoActivate, wait until it's finished.
Insert card back into device and reboot.
Tomtom should start again, Now set up as you wish (language is on page six of settings, Icon is some flags)
After setting your GPS port and baud and getting a satellite lock, Tomtom will crash with not enough memory, Reboot and it should be ok from now on.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:37 pm

Thanks for all of your help.
I have downloaded the maps and autoactive but the link to the tomtom version is dead (2shared.com), it states that the file link that you requested is not valid. Please contact link publisher
or try to make a search.
Do you have another link?

Sat Jan 08, 2011 8:48 pm

I just tried it, It works for me??? Maybe it was just a temporary site issue, Try again

Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:10 pm

I have just tried again with the same result, I can get to the page but when I click save file to pc at the bottom I get it states that the file link that you requested is not valid.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 9:25 pm

I tried it again and i'm downloading it?

Uploading to a different host now.

Edit: Try this [Please Register or Login to download file]

Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:00 pm

Hi Thanks for all your help, I was able to download the file from the new link.
I have just loaded the folders/files onto the satnay card and run the Autoactivation but get the error cannot find TTGO.bif or TTNAVIGATOR.bif.

Sorry to be a pain.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:09 pm

You need to run Tomtom on the device and it will be created, Are you using a card reader or a USB cable connected between the PC and the device?

Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:17 pm

I have tried the card in the satnav with no joy, I am using a card reader, I cannot execute the MobileNavigator.exe as it reports thhat it is ot a valid win32 application.

Sat Jan 08, 2011 10:34 pm

MobileNavigator.exe should be run on the device not on the PC, When the card is in the device and the unit is rebooted what happens?

Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:52 pm

Thanks for the reply, I understand that MobileNavigator.exe should be run on the device not on the PC, when using the card reader Windows automatically thinks that the card is windows based.

When connected the satnav to the pc via USB it onlt acts as a charger.

When the card device is in the satnav unit and is rebooted it ignores the card and boots into the binatone software, I have tried as advised to click the navigation option but it still boots into the install binatone software.
Perhaps this particular satnav cannot be altered.

Sun Jan 09, 2011 12:13 am

Tried using active sync to activate the to auto activate the files from within the satnat but on executing the file it only brings uo the file properties.
I guess I should have just bought a TomTom in the first place.

Thank you very much for all of your help!
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