I know "what" it's supposed to do, just trying to learn as much as possible as to "how" it does it.
Gweedz wrote:OK that's pretty much what I figured, here are some questions I have:
1. What is the file name where this data is stored and is it manually editable without having to actually drive a road? There's a road in my area that's always super busy. I don't want to purposely get stuck in traffic just to prove to Tom T. that it's busy.
2. Is there any way of knowing which roads are considered "major" and record driving history?
3. Do the values ever expire? Otherwise I can imagine the file would grow quite large after time, especially with a few cross-country trips.
4. How many "samplings" does it take before using the value in future routings? For example, let's say according to stored road speeds AND reality, road A is quicker than road B. If I take road A for the first time and there's an accident and major delay, will it from then on always route me on road B? Or will it need say 5 or 10 trips on a particular road before it adjusts the average speed from what's stored in the computer?
5. Does TT Home allow this data to be shared?
6. You mention it's recorded hourly. Does that mean if it's 8:02am and has no recorded data from 8-9am, it will not look at data from 7-8am (even if there is data for 7:58am)?
I'll probably have more questions the more I think about it LOL Thanks!
Gweedz wrote:1. Not the computer, but it must be stored in a file on the actual GPS right? See item 5 below.
2. OK. So if TT only considers highways as major roads then it's pretty useless feature.
3. See point 1. Or 5. Or I'm confused.
4. I could do that, but I can see them saying something about proprietary info, non disclosure, bla bla.
5. Found my answer = Yes. From TT: Millions of TomTom users worldwide voluntarily provide anonymous historical driving data from each of their trips every time they connect their device to TomTom HOME.
6. See point 4
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