How to use "shared maps"]
Use new SD, not your Original!!
1. Check what maps are already shared by other users.
2. Download the map you like (and that is shared!) from the corresponding map thread and the shared data provided by the user.
3. Unpack the map to the SD.
4. Use Winrar and open the archive containing the shared data.
5. Unpack the .MCT file into your map folder.
6. Open the textfile inside the archive and use the volume ID shared by the user:
Open the command prompt in the folder containing the program VolumeID,
I again assume the SD in drive E: ,change accordingly if different on your PC! xxxx-xxxx is the volume ID provided inside the rar archive)
volumeid e: xxxx-xxxxpress ENTER
7. Done
Now the new map should work fine on your Carminat!