Carminat Tomtom - FAQ-   

Carminat Tomtom - FAQ-

Postby apak » Mon Aug 16, 2010 5:27 pm

Carminat Tomtom - FAQ

Renault Carminat TomTom

5,8" LCD Screen (480 x 272 pixels, 64.000 colors)
CPU: 400 MHz
Memory: 64 MB
Internal flash drive for navcore.
External 512 Mb or 2 GB SD card for maps and extra files.
GPS SiRF Star III high sensitibity
Bluetooth remote control or Joystick integrated
Display integrated in car´s dashboard
Traffic Info: RDS / TMC

Original Maps and Navcore in Original SD:
10/12/2009: Navcore v8.841.453398 Map v840.2568
12/11/2009: Navcore v8.840.380186 Map v840.2568
23/06/2009: Navcore v7.842.316501 Map v725.1882
??/??/2009: Navcore v7.841.?????? Map v725.1882

Where can I find Carminat TomTom instructions?

Code: Select all

What is the last version TomTom HOME (TTH) available?

Tomtom HOME version:

Where can I find it?
There is a version at original SD.
If you rather like a more updated version you cand download it from:
Windows version -
Code: Select all

MacOS version -
Code: Select all

Linux version - Not available. WIME does NOT detect properly SD card. Works fine with VirtualBox or similar emulating windows.

Where is the navcore located?
Is it at external SD card or at flash drive of carminat?

The navcore itself is located at the flash drive.
The SD has only the maps and extra files (radars, sounds, icons,...)

Where can I download Original Navcore?
Navcore: 7.842.316501
Code: Select all

Navcore: 8.840.380186
Code: Select all

Navcore: [color="Blue"]8.841.453398[/color]
Code: Select all

What Navcore and Map version do I have?
What Device ID do I have?

At Carminat:
Hold down INFO/Route key for 3 seconds. It will show "Route Details Screen"
Click right at joystick. It will show "Device Details Screen"
At TomTomHome:
Insert SD card to PC.
Open TomTomHome, click menu "Help->System Info"
It will show the Device Info

What maps version will work on Carminat Tomtom?

Actual Maps version is 850. Follow navcore 8.84x column to find compatible maps.
Compatibility chart:

What extra services work at carminat navcore (v8.84x)?

ALG - Works fine
IQ - Works fine
CSPEECH - Doesn´t work. Map with cspeech will work at carminat thou.
ASR - Doesn´t work.
HNR - Doesn´t work.
Example: Carminat Maps compatibility 850 version
1.- 850.2817 has IQ and ALG. (size 247 Mb) works fine
2.- 850.2781 has IQ andALG, also CSPEECH y ASR. (size 276,5 Mb) works fine except for CSPEECH y ASR (waste of space)
3.- 850.2782 does not have IQ or ALG, but do have CSPEECH and ASR. (size 259 Mb) works fine but no extra service (last resource if needed)
4.- 850.2820 does NOT have extra services. (size 217 Mb) works fine (good choice if you have limited SD size available)
5.- 850.2784 has IQ and ALG but is NOT carminat compatible with navcore 8.84x (DO NOT USE / WILL NOT WORK)
So to choose map before downloading I will do it in this order.
1.- IDEAL. Carminat version.
2.- If can´t find 1. Works everything but loose some SD space with extra info we don´t need.
3.- Use only if can´t find 1 o 2. Has EXTRAS we can´t use.
4.- use only at last. NO EXTRAS at all.

How to update navcore to a more updated version?
Insert SD card to PC and open TomtomHome. I will warn you that there is a new "Tomtom App for Carminat Tomtom".
Enable it to Install it.
Once it´s downloaded take SD card to the Carminat Device and follow steps to update internal flash drive.
It´s HIGHLY RECOMENDED that during this operation the car SHOULD be started in order to prevent car´s power saving mode activation that might cause damage to the device.
What is the "Most Updated Map Available guaranty?
In order to be sure that final customer has latest maps installed on a new Carminat (brand new car must be), Tomtom allows you to download latest map after 60 days from first SD card being inserted on Carminat.

What happens if I check for new maps, but I don´t download it? Some days later there is available a new map version. Wich one do I get?
You will get the NOT SO LATEST version. You will receive the version available ON FIRST check. So be sure to update the very last days of 60 days available.
How to execute the "Latest Map guarranty"?
1.- Start TomtomHome (TTH). Wait until device is detected. Right down corner will show "Carminat TomTom"
2.- Go to Menu Tools and click "Latest map guarantee".
Click "Get it now".
Click "Get it now".
It will show now the map available to download. Click "More info" to check version and size.

How do I do a back up of original SD?

Backup of original SD WILL NOT WORK unless you use "Latest Map guarranty". SO right after you execute "Latest Map guarranty".
Using TomtomHOme:
1.- "Create/Restore a backup copy"->"Create backup copy"
it will create a copy of SD files into "%USERPROFILE%\My Documents\TomTom\Backup\Carminat TomTom\Backup01\Internal Memory"
2.- Once It´s done, insert a blank SD card on PC(FAT formated).
3.- Create/Restore a backup copy"->"Restore backup copy"
Using PC OS
1.- Create a folder named "Carminat Tomtom Backup"
2.- Copy all files (included hidden) from original SD Card to new pc folder "Carminat Tomtom Backup".
3.- Insert a blank SD card on PC(FAT formated) and copy files from "Carminat Tomtom Backup" to SD root folder.

Where can I find ttgo.bif file?
There is a file at "loopdir\ext3_loopback" (older version) or "loopdir\loopback.ex3" (new version).
That files are a Loopback Device file system image with contais this files
Code: Select all
|-- [ 26] CurrentMap.dat
|-- [4.0K] Iberia
| |-- [ 632] DeletedPoi.local
| |-- [3.5K] MapSettings.cfg
| |-- [ 48] MapUserPatch.dat
| `-- [ 77]
|-- [4.0K] LoquendoTTS
| |-- [4.0K] bin
| `-- [4.0K] lib
|-- [ 68] UserPatch.dat
|-- [4.0K] art
| `-- [4.0K] cars
| `-- [ 97K] thumbs.dat
|-- [4.0K] itn
| `-- [ 0] temporary.iti
|-- [ 16K] lost+found
|-- [4.0K] photos
| `-- [ 41K] thumbs.dat
|-- [4.0K] statdata
| `-- [ 1] disallowtrip.dat
| `-- [1.6K] ttgo.bif

Note that mine has Iberia Map folder. Your should have a folder with you map name folder instead

Can I read/write files from/to inside ext3_loopback/loopback.ex3?
Windows: Read Only.
Donwload Explore2FS from
Code: Select all

Install it.
Open it
Go to "File->Open Image file..." and choose "SD->loopdir->ext3_loopback" or "SD->loopdir->loopback.ex3"
Click over harddrive image that shows on left frame.
Files will be shown on right frame.
Right-click over "ttgo.bif" and choose "Export File" and save it to your Hard Drive.

[color="Blue"]Windows: Read/Write.[/color]
Stuff needed:
ext2/ext3 support for windows: Ext2IFS:
Code: Select all

App to mount ext2/ext3 image: Filedisk:
Code: Select all

1.- Install Ext2IFS, as follows:
2.- Reboot
3.- Install Filedisk, to do so:
Unzip on hardisk (c:\filedisk-17)
Copy file C:\filedisk-17\sys\obj\fre\i386\filedisk.sys toc:\windows\system32\drivers
Add reg file c:\filedisk-17\filedisk.reg to windows registry
4.- Reboot
5.- Copy loopdir folder to hard disk root (c:\loopdir)
6.- Launch cmd.exe
7.- Change directory to filedisk (cd\filedisk-17)
8.- Mount loopback file: filedisk /mount 0 c:\loopdir\ext3_loopback g:
This will mount it at drive G: the filesystem ext3_loopback

9.- You can check it out at My PC, at Drive G: properties

10.- To umount the filesystem filedisk /umount g:

All this gives us access in windows to manipulate ttgo.bif, copy favorites and config to new maps, etc...

Linux: Read/write
1.- Copy loopdir folder to hard disk (example to /loopdir)
2.- Create a folder in order to mount there the loopback device file system (example to /vfs)
mkdir /vfs
3.- Mount file system at /vfs.
mount -w /loopdir/ext3_loopback /vfs -t ext3 -o loop
Copy ttgo.bif where ever you want (example to root folder).
cp ttgo.bif /
4.- umount the unit
umount /vfs

[SIZE="4"]How to build a SD from scratch?[/size]
0.- Get you DEVICE ID (Hold down INFO + Joystick right click)

1.- Get a blank SD card
2.- Download Navcore: 8.841.45339
Code: Select all

3.- Extract donwloaded .cab file. Go to "DS1/Install" and extract both .zip files to SD root.

4.- Path PNDnavigator from SD card using ttsystem/PNDnavigatior patcher. Available in TOOLS section.
5.- Rename ~tsystem to ttsystem.
(It´s very important that you rename ~tsystem AFTER patching so you don´t get trouble)

6.- Create a folder with desire map name (example "Iberia.850.2817")

7.- Download map from MAP section (example "Iberia 850.2817")
8.- Extract file inside map folder (example "Iberia 850.2817")

9.- Edit .pna file (excample "Iberia.pna") and change map name at first line ("ID=Iberia.pna" rename to "ID=Iberia.850.2817.pna")

10.- Activate map using activation TOOLS available TOOL Section.

11.- Put new SD into Carminat device.
Steps to change SD properly at carminat so you don´t get map error:
a.- Turn off radio/tomtom.
b.- Take out Original SD card.
c.- Put in new SD card.
d.- Turn on radio/tomtom.
PS: It you turn radio on without new SD card inseted, carminat will boot from internal flash rather that patched SD card, so you will get map error.
At this point there will be create a new "loopdir" folder on new SD card.
At this point you have no voices inserted. You must add voices/loquendo from Tomtom HOME.
14.- Take off SD card from carminat and go to PC
15.- Open "Tomtom HOME"
16.- Click "Add traffic, Voices, Speedcams, etc..."

17.- Click "Voices"

18.- Add "Computer Voices" and "Recorded Voices" as you wish.

Is It there a chance to use other apps with carminat(example "Tomplayer")?
NOT so far. There is a pretty alpha stand alone version of Tomplayer

Can i turn off carminat display?
Yes, hold down LIGHT/DARK and display will stand-by.
Push LIGHT/DARK again to wake up.
Instruction will still sound while display is in stand-by.

What happend when I turn off radio?

Carminat turns off too. Display will show Time and Temperature

Can I turn off voices?
Yes, hold down REPEAT/MUTE. Poi alerts still will sound(speed cams, etc...)
Push REPEAT/MUTE to enable voices.

Is it where a stupid way to loose my SD card?
YES, there is a huge gap in front of carminat display where SD card tend to go naturally

Can I copy favorites and config from older map to new one?

YES. Presuming you have properly activated new map, and enabled it at carminat.
Take SD card to PC.
Mount read/write loopdir/ext3_loopback file (shown before in this FAQ)
Copy "MapSettings.cfg" file from older map folder to new map folder (inside loopdir mounted drive)

MapShare is not working. How do I fix it?
It´s related to loopdir corruption
1.- Delete loodir folder
2.- Copy original loopdir folder
3.- Put SD into carminat and change setting to reconfig you carminat (choose voice, map, etc...)
4.- Go back to PC. Open Tomtom HOME and MapShare should be working.

How can I put new POI´s into maps?

Donwload .ov2 (poi file), .bmp (icon file for poi) .ogg/.mp3 (sound file for poi)
All the files should have exact same name (example "Gas_Station.ov2", "Gas_Station.bmp" and "Gas_Station.mp3")
Copy them inside map folder
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Postby mmxmoi0000 » Thu Dec 02, 2010 7:54 am

New navcore 8.842.542199
[Please Register or Login to download file]
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Postby ddeebru » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:36 am

Hi apak
just wondering if a new map & navcore on fresh SD will erase the internal flash memory and install over it ?
is there a way to restore the original later on if something goes wrong ?
does the original SD comes with navcore too ?
Great guide and very helpful information for someone like me who is new to all this
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Postby apak » Sat Jan 22, 2011 8:50 am

ddeebru wrote:Hi apak
just wondering if a new map & navcore on fresh SD will erase the internal flash memory and install over it ?
is there a way to restore the original later on if something goes wrong ?
does the original SD comes with navcore too ?
Great guide and very helpful information for someone like me who is new to all this

Not at all, if you use a patched SD the internal flash is not modified at all. But remember that the internal flash has only the navcore, but not map o voices...

So keep safe the original, make a fresh SD from scracth or copy the original and make the SD from that copy, it doesn matter
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Postby a7v8x » Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:44 pm

Worked a treat (after 3 or 4 attempts :) ). I just followed your guide for building from scratch on a new SD card. Much appreciated :clap:
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Postby daonet » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:28 pm

Hello Apak and thanks for this FAQ,

I have a problem in getting the device ID in this situation:
How to build a SD from scratch?
0.- Get you DEVICE ID (Hold down INFO + Joystick right click)

In my case I don't have the original SD card ad I am trying to build one from scratch
when I do the step 0 all it says that No Maps Found I guess there is no way to find out the device ID than?

I tried to mount the loopback.ex3 with explore2fs it only show me one file empty called internal.dat.

I am stuck I don't know how to find the device ID. Please help.

thanks a lot
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Postby apak » Mon Mar 07, 2011 7:49 pm

format sd to fat32
insert into carminat and wait until no map error
take sd to PC and follow procedure except for map section
insert into carminat and wait until no map error
turn of radio
take sd to pc and extract ttgo.bif or open tthome and view device info

should work
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Postby daonet » Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:49 am

Hello Apak,
Thanks for the quick reply
I tried the steps but still the carminat doesn't write more then the empty internal.dat file.

I think my GPS have not been initialized it's a new car and may be they never inserted the original SD card in it so it never got it's ttgo.bif.

It always tell me that the Card is ready to be used with TOMTOM Home and when I insert it in my PC always the same error.

I think I am the only one that have this problem. Could it be the new security system of the CARMINAT to never give it's device ID?

Thanks again and if anyone have some ideas please don't hesitate :helpsos:
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Postby apak » Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:17 pm

when has been built your car? 2010? o 2011?
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Postby mio2008user » Sun May 22, 2011 7:56 am

Hi.Today i will start my carminat,i got the message " card not activated".
After this i make a new sd-card from start.but now i should activated my card by [Please Register or Login to download file] .

whats wrong?
i have patched all of them,ttsystem and pna.

pls. help
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Postby rosarioorlando33 » Mon Jun 06, 2011 3:29 pm

English only!!
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Camera activation

Postby tcrozier » Wed Jun 15, 2011 2:04 pm

I have just managed with help of Navcore 8422/fastactivate 1.8 to create a backup copy of my origianl D_A_CH card on a new SD. (excellent tutorials thankyou)
The card runs fine with no errors.
I have added the ovt for cameras but they somehow dont seem to be activated. I dont see them in the POI list.
Have I done something wrong?

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Postby garbit123 » Tue Dec 06, 2011 6:20 am

I currently have Carminat Live 9.844.
Is it possible to "downgrade" to 8.842 ?
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Re: Carminat Tomtom - FAQ-

Postby olariub2005 » Thu Jul 31, 2014 7:06 am

What is the last available Europe Map for TomTom Carminat 8842, I have searched for 850.xxxx thread but I didn't find a compatibility chart.
Please send me the link for latest map available with meta code for Europe.
I have also read that the 8842 can be updated to some newer version. In this case also other newer maps are available?
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