If you want to spend a lot of time to get it right, it does function.
I currently have WINCE Double din chinese unit a with map Australia 905.XXXX (cant remember) also has the voices and custom car art.
I have done this successfully with 2 different chinese units
the basic guts of it is :
1. you need to run a wince emulator on PC. emulator is wince5 but the car is wince6 - it still works!
2. you need to run TT in emulator and "select language", "select map" and "prepare a route"
3. close TT and emulator
4. copy mapsettings.cfg to a folder called "Mapsetttings"
5 locate the TTnavigator.mscr file and edit it to reflect the map folder and map settings folder
you may have to edit "memory Card" to "MemoryCard" or "sdcard" (no spaces)
then copy the map folder, *.bif file, meta.txt file and fastactivate to a folder in c drive
6. then activate map
7. copy Tomtom program folder and map to SD card
8. tell Chinese unit where to locate the exe file
9. run Navigation!
POI's work
bluetooth works too.
keep in mind this is a basic description
Just let me know if you want to Take it on and i'll gladly help you through it.
I may create an Instructional thread for NAVITOTAL if they want it, as they have helped me to sort other GPS devices and issues in the past.