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Cloned GO710 has a mystery gene ... !!

Fri Dec 14, 2012 7:59 pm

I am completely at a loss with this one, which probably means that either [color="#008000"][color="#00FF00"]Td[/color][/color] or [color="#0000FF"]Du[/color] will instantly know the cause... hopefully:

A few months ago, I cloned one of my GO710's for a friend who had an old, non-updated, un-tweaked one. My definition of 'cloned' is that I updated his bootloader and navcore to match my own (Nc 9.205 with b/l 5.5250), copied my SDHC card (minus .bif), patched it etc .... and everything seemed to work exactly as mine does, with all the whistles and bells.

A few days ago, he informed me that one function did NOT work ... it hadn't done so since the 'upgrade' I'd installed: it will not switch to night colors or at least, it will not STAY on night colors! You can try to change it from day to night either by menu selection or by voice command and it changes momentarily, then reverts back to day colors after less than 1 sec. I've compared all the settings of the two units and as far as I can see, they match and mine performs faultlessly.

Does anything spring to mind guys? otherwise my next step is going to be to compare file contents when I get time over the weekend.

Condiments of the Seasoning to you and the NT Team by the way...


Fri Dec 14, 2012 8:21 pm

Macca-009 wrote:A few months ago, I cloned one of my GO710's for a friend who had an old, non-updated, un-tweaked one. My definition of 'cloned' is that I updated his bootloader and navcore to match my own (Nc 9.205 with b/l 5.5250),
1. copied my SDHC card (minus .bif), patched it etc .... and everything seemed to work exactly as mine does, with all the whistles and bells.

2. A few days ago, he informed me that one function did NOT work ... it hadn't done so since the 'upgrade' I'd installed: it will not switch to night colors or at least, it will not STAY on night colors! You can try to change it from day to night either by menu selection or by voice command and it changes momentarily, then reverts back to day colors after less than 1 sec. I've compared all the settings of the two units and as far as I can see, they match and mine performs faultlessly.

1. I'm sure you used his ttgo.bif file for patching purposes.

2. If you used a SE version, a dsa version or a Downunder version, I'm sure that you set both units for the same emu.

3. If possible get the "cloned" version back & test it in your unit.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 3:22 am

Only thing I can think of is corrupted data - a clean reinstall would help.
Emu should not affect the switching in such a way.

Sat Dec 15, 2012 9:58 am

Thanks for the input guys -

1. Absolutely
2. Absolutely
3. Already got it but hadn't thought about doing that - will do so.

Du - Mmmm, I'd considered corruption, the owner is not exactly the careful type when it comes to anything tech'y. Item 3 above will hopefully crystalize the issue. I think I'd rather re-clone my unit instead of doing the clean install though for the same reason that I chose that path originally - the current 'state' of my own 710 has been a development over a long period involving a lot of fine tuning.

I'll let you know what transpires over the next 24 hours!


Sat Dec 15, 2012 12:08 pm

Macca-009 wrote:Several Devices: GO930, 730, 520, 710 etc
Navcore: Mostly with 9.205 & B/L 5.5250
Maps: Eu, NA & Oz (900.4602)
Cameras with ogg files: Eu & Can

As a side note, I hope your signature is out of date with respect to your navcore!!!

Tue Jan 01, 2013 4:47 pm

[As a side note, I hope your signature is out of date with respect to your navcore!!!]

eh? ???? - It may not be the latest, but I like it! Happy New Year anyway... Back to the plot...

Well, what a bloody nightmare! After trying EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING....

New SD Card, re-cloned from a working unit - same result. Clone the 'faulty' software back to the working unit and the software has no 'fault'. Re-patch the faulty card to a different unit, works perfectly, ergo ... not the software, not the card ....

Conclusion: It is the unit itself. There is no other explanation.

One for the knowledge base me thinks.

If 2013 is like the last month of 2012 (TT wise), I'm gonna give up 'tweaking' and take up managing the U.S. economy - it'll be less stressful.


Tue Jan 01, 2013 8:13 pm

Macca-009 wrote:eh? ???? - It may not be the latest, but I like it!

I don't understand the logic of running an old Rider 9.205 navcore instead of the newer current official 9.465 X20/30 navcore. It's not like you can't try it & go back if you don't like it.

RE: the clone issue. May I suggest that you set the "Clone" version aside and build a basic version from scratch for testing purposes!!.

Wed Jan 02, 2013 9:57 pm

tendriver wrote:May I suggest that you set the "Clone" version aside and build a basic version from scratch for testing purposes!!.

I loaded it with the old working backup from prior to any 'updates' or 'tweaks' - interesting to note that I couldn't get it to switch using the built-in sensor, though it WOULD change by menu selection!

Anyhow, issue resolved - the 'suspect' 710 is now dismantled for spare parts and in a gesture of selfless generosity that befits this season of goodwill, I've given the owner my old unit (working PERFECTLY). I did shed a tear to see the old girl go, but she has gone none the less.

Perhaps when I've a hour to kill (tho' that's not likely to be during this first quarter) I'll have a look at a newer navcore - I recall that I did try a new official one on the 930 a few months back but wasn't very impressed with it. Hey ho.

Cheers anyway Td.


Thu Jan 03, 2013 3:37 am

Macca-009 wrote:Perhaps when I've a hour to kill (tho' that's not likely to be during this first quarter) I'll have a look at a newer navcore - I recall that I did try a new official one on the 930 a few months back but wasn't very impressed with it. Hey ho.

As you well know, I have been doing this for several years. In that time, I have tested 90% of the new navcoves as they are released. 9.465 is as good as I have seen in quite a while.
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