I am So Confused   

I am So Confused

Postby farenheit » Sun Mar 28, 2021 2:47 pm

Ok... please bare with me..
Ive had a TomTom XL IQ Routes sitting in my drawer since 2014 until recently when i needed to use it.
So it's now out and i thought id update it.. so i proceeded to read the many posts on here lol!!
Having gone through so many it has only made me more confused. I'm usually quite apt at picking stuff like this up as i dabble in alot of android firmware, rooting etc so id consider myself alittle clued up.
I know i have a Nav 2 device based on the serial number and i need UK & ROI maps (currently 937) along with FastActivate, however the map diagram with all the colours is so confusing :D
Below is the info from my bif file (bif from back to the future :D lol)
Code: Select all
DeviceName=TomTom XL
DeviceUniqueID=AK5ZY B2GAN
UserLanguage=English UK
GPSFirmwareVersion=2.16.201 354431

Can someone advise the steps like...
1. download the following maps
2. update Meta
3. Install maps
4. Patch Navcore etc..

Appreciate the help
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Re: I am So Confused

Postby fredderf » Sun Mar 28, 2021 5:38 pm

There is a tutorial on how to use the Compatibility chart here
However, being as you've already installed the latest navcore 9.541 for your device, you can install any map you have space for.

You need to download UK & ROI 1065.10691 map (which has all of the advanced features your device can use), and the latest [Please Register or Login to download file]

1. Do a full backup of your device first
2. Then extract the new map & FastActivate to the root of your device (Note: that the map files will be contained in its own folder)
3. Run FastActivate.exe from the root & select option 2 to activate the map (Notice that FA should report map *.DCT = ok)
4. Then select option 3 to patch the navcore and wait for patch successful message
5. Disconnect & test...it is quite normal for it to take a few minutes to get a satfix after an update
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Re: I am So Confused

Postby farenheit » Tue Mar 30, 2021 11:34 am

Thanks fredderf, i've only just seen your post today and the day i posted the above i downloaded United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland_1065_10729 and installed that on the device. It didnt work at first but then after i renamed the folder to United_Kingdom_and_Republic_of_Ireland (taking out the version number) it worked. Should i be installing 10691?
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Re: I am So Confused

Postby fredderf » Tue Mar 30, 2021 12:13 pm

It doesn't matter what the map folder is called providing it doesn't contain any spaces or special characters.

You should really study the compatibility chart a bit more as it clearly shows that 1065.10729 maps are for NAV1 devices and as such has very limited features. Your XL IQ is a NAV2 and was designed to be a more advanced device capable of using all of the advanced features a 1065.10691 map can provide. It's up to you...you can leave as is if you're happy with it but personally I would use 1065.10691
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