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Error after installing UK & ROI 890_422 help please..

Sat Jul 21, 2012 12:27 am

Hi all,

I have successfully updated my 510 in the past without any problems so I assumed that updating to a newer map should'nt cause any problems.
This is where I hit a snag, my 510 has [email protected] installed on it and it works great with UK & ROI 880.3810 and also 855.2884, But I wanted to update to 890.4222, I checked the cross reference and it seemed to fit the bill if I am using the navcore 9.026, I also require TTS and Lane guidance as well, so I went ahead and downloaded the installer.
I ran the installer and everything seemed to go fine, I must admit I left the p.c. while it installed and watched a bit of t.v., there were no error messages so I assumed it was okay.
After turning on my TT510 and changing maps I was met with this error message, "You cannot use this map on this device: United_Kingdom_and_republic_of_ireland_562".
and all I can do is press okay.
Can anyone share there experience please on what I may have done wrong or possible forgot to do.
Thanks for taking the time to read this post chaps, any help would be very much appreciated.


p.s. also installed updated zip post codes, and updated ephemeris (but imho I don't think that has anything to do with it).


Hi all,
Maybe stupid of me, but I thought it auto activates the map, seems it didn't,, so I decided to download the latest FA 1889, popped it into my map folder, ran it, only clicked on maps, and hey presto, good to go.

Only one little niggle, even though i have copied over all my favorites and poi's only some of them seem to be showing up, the ones I really need are the POI's that I have generated as "My_Fav_Pois" but it is nowhere to be found even though it is in my map folder.

Sat Jul 21, 2012 1:22 am

sadsack wrote:Only one little niggle, even though i have copied over all my favorites and poi's only some of them seem to be showing up, the ones I really need are the POI's that I have generated as "My_Fav_Pois" but it is nowhere to be found even though it is in my map folder.

Did you copy the mapsettings.cfg file from your old map folder to the new one??

Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:07 am

Thanks for the reply tendriver,

Yes copied it over, I have a feeling that my 510 is getting a bit old in the tooth, as I changed the date folder setting on my backup folder to show all my poi's and other items in date order from new to old, and as there a couple of years old there easier to find that way.
So I simply selected all of them that was required and did a copy and paste to the SD card, (Sandisk Ultra II 4GB), all of them seemed to copy over, and when I turned on the unit it did show most of them, all except one major one, my POI which is acting as my favorites.
So I pulled the SD card from the TT and stuck it back in to my card reader, and lo and behold every one was copied except my fav POI.
So this time I made sure I copied it over and included a copy of it as well, so it looked like this "My Fav POI ov2.copy", I put the card back in and my POI's are back.
I swear this thing has it in for me, it always plays up right when I need it most, my favorite is the dreaded "turn back on" whenever it feels like it syndrome.
Listening to "Initiating shutdown sequence" at 3 in the morning and the 510 is in a case in the corner of the living room, and it sounds like someone just outside the window can scare the sh&*e out of you..... lol

I'm just wondering if it would be worthwhile updating the firmware, having said that I did read somewhere else that TT always replace the original firmware when they do repairs. So maybe they know something we don't. I.E. the new firmware isn't that good.
One thing I wouldn't mind doing is to update the POI's (not my favorites) but ones for cinemas, banks, petrol stations, ect.
Are there any good places to get any of these, I think my original ones came from pocket gps world. Also need to update speed cams, but not TT ones as I believe you cannot use TTS voices with them.

Thanks again for the reply


Sorted the updated POI's now just got to hunt for pgpsw 10.073

Sat Jul 21, 2012 2:33 am

sadsack wrote:So I simply selected all of them that was required and did a copy and paste to the SD card, (Sandisk Ultra II 4GB), all of them seemed to copy over, and when I turned on the unit it did show most of them, all except one major one, my POI which is acting as my favorites.

Confirm that all of YOUR pois are in the map folder.

BTW, [email protected] is the name of the folder needed to use TT Home "Operate my GO" with 9.026 installed on your 510. The navcore is just "Navcore 9.026".

Sat Jul 21, 2012 3:06 am

Sorry Tendriver,

Didn't know that about [email protected], ...... but yes there is a Navcore 9.026 in there as well.
As I say, it all seems to be working well know, All i'm trying to do now is to update to a newer version than mid 2011 for the UK consolidated pgpsw sp**d cams.

and i'll be a happy camper.
Can't really understand about pgpsw, there updated by the public for free and then charged to d/l.

Sat Jul 21, 2012 8:10 am

PGPSW cams rarely get leaked now, they have a habit of going after sites that share them.

Use the Tomtom cams instead!

Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:31 pm

Fatboyfun wrote:PGPSW cams rarely get leaked now, they have a habit of going after sites that share them.

Use the Tomtom cams instead!

Sorry Fatboyfun for the Incredibly late reply...

Yep I gathered that mate.... it's a pity that one or two peeps make it difficult for the rest, Too be honest it's one of the things I've never done (sharing that kind of info) that is.
I have been so used to my 710 speaking to me for where the next cam is located, It's going to be difficult to go back to a bing or a bong with the TT cams, --- A pity they couldn't be converted to POI's, now that would be good.

Cheers for the help...

Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:41 pm

There's no reason why you can't use speech for Tomtom cams, You could have "Speed camera ahead" or "Mobile camera ahead" Unfortunately no "Speed limit is XX mph"

Use the PGPSW sounds, convert them to wav and edit the "Speed limit is..." bit out and then place them as wav's into the 'Sounds' folder, Then set up custom sounds for each type of camera.

This works on Tomtom Navigator (Windows Mobile/CE) so should work on a real Tomtom device.

Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:11 pm

Thanks for that info Fatboyfun,
Only bit I'm having trouble understanding is that my speedcams are as you know poi's, and I have to type in each different sentence that gets read out through tts.

Something like this, "speed camera, speed limit is, 40 M.P.H" obviously, I've had to do this for every cam limit. strange thing is when I copied over my poi's This typed information was lost although the pgpsw cams were still listed and working. But they have gone back to being a bong. I tried to change back to "type in your own warning" but the info I had typed in had disappeared.
I've just had a look around pgpsw's site and it seems they have removed the details for how to setup the "type in your own" instructions.
It seems in favor towards the ogg files you mentioned.


The speed limits I got from here, [Please Register or Login to download file] ---- I never knew they had ogg voices available.

Sat Jul 28, 2012 11:28 pm

Apologies, i didn't realise you were using TTS for the alerts, There is no TTS on the Windows version of Tomtom so i used the ogg files from PGPSW for the alerts.
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