Infinat wrote:Help - When trying to install Western Europe 1GB Map 875.3675 on my TomTom XL (currently 725.1905) it stops with an error message suggesting my TomTom disc is full. What can I do to get past this problem please?
Downunder35m wrote:If you check the map sizes, you'' notice that most 1GB maps are actually bigger than 1GB and won't fit on a device with 1GB internal memory only.
In that case please select one of the zoned maps.
Shadowcat wrote:Did you remove the previous map on it?
Big chance that there isn't enough room to put both maps on your TomTom XL.
tendriver wrote:Did you not read posts 3 & 4????????????
Shadowcat wrote:Did you remove the previous map on it?
Big chance that there isn't enough room to put both maps on your TomTom XL.
Infinat wrote:I have been away, but yes, I did take note of posts 3 & 4, and that file quoted (with underscores) is what I have tried, but it will not fit and I am still hoping that shadowcat was correct, and something needs deleting first. But I am wary of deleting everything in case there are some hidden files or somesuch, and then no way back.
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