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Help about Vehicles!!! Please..

Mon Aug 05, 2013 9:55 am

Dear all, I have TomTom GO730, before updating i have to choice BUS vehicle, after update and cracking, i can not choice (Maby i don`t know how to do.)

my Device info is:

DeviceName=TomTom GO 730
DeviceVersionHW=GO 730

Please Help me, what i need to do to have back again BUS Vehicle in device.
Thanks a lot.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 11:37 am

Well if you update from Truck setup to a normal car setup you will loose those functions.
So I suggest you install the current Truck Navcore and use FastActivate to patch it.

Mon Aug 05, 2013 3:09 pm

Xelmep wrote:CurrentMap=Europe_910_4892

Downunder35m wrote:So I suggest you install the current Truck Navcore and use FastActivate to patch it.

Current Truck navcore 9.700 or .701.
You also need to install the current map Europe_TRUCK v910.4958.
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