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Sat Dec 31, 2011 1:49 pm

dont forget to patch the Home directory on the PC ..that was my mistake, after that everything worked fine

Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:19 pm

If you use the SE than the Navcore is already patched and does not require furtrher patching.
You should have got a message in FastActivate that the map was successfully activated.
Have you started the TT after the map activation or did you loose it after the "problem" with patching the already patched Navcore?
From what I read it should work just fine now.

Sat Dec 31, 2011 3:23 pm

smokinbarrels wrote:clicked on ttsystem/PND Navigator........ click on f drive tomtom go sd card<file missing ttsystem or PNDNavigator press any key to continue

This issue was addressed in post 2!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sun Jan 01, 2012 7:40 pm

Happy New Year!

Okay, Day 5 and still not got it to work. Last night by some fluke i got it to boot up on my Go with all the new screen and software. I went to the part that allows you to enter your vehicle dimensions, once done i set a route and guess what? it wouldn't let me use the truck software and reverted back to the normal Western Europe Map.

When everything is installed onto my tomtom and i click on fast activate and it doesn't recognise maps, poi's or speedcameras. It seems to patch the navcore okay and home okay and thats it. Meta txt doesnt do anything either.

When i unzip my files using winrar they go into normal files, do in need to extact those files as a whole file and put them on my SD card or do i need to open these files first and transfer them as a group of individual files across onto my sd card? (hope it makes sense). if so is this the case for navcore and fast activate?

Thanks SB

Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:58 pm

1. "When everything is installed onto my tomtom and i click on fast activate and it doesn't recognise maps, poi's or speedcameras. It seems to patch the navcore okay and home okay and thats it. Meta txt doesnt do anything either."

Don't assume! As mentioned earlier the map need a .dct file to be activated. So either confirm or deny the presence.

2. "When i unzip my files using winrar they go into normal files, do in need to extact those files as a whole file and put them on my SD card or do i need to open these files first and transfer them as a group of individual files across onto my sd card? (hope it makes sense). if so is this the case for navcore and fast activate?
What files? Normal files?
How can we help if you neither follow the intruction, nor give feedback that could help.
Of course if you need files for your TT you only work with them on your PC and never ever copy them to the TT - TT get's the file by magic only, so gently rub the case and wait for the ghost to appear ;)

Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:14 pm

Hi Folks,
My tom-tom go is now up and running with Europe Truck.:yahoo: I’d like to say a big thank you to all who have helped me along the way. :clap:
All I can think that was causing the problem is 2 TTsystem running together on the same card and maybe tom-tom home interfering with it?:think:

Many thanks for your help and perseverance in solving this problem.:clap:

Thank you SB

Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:21 pm

You're welcome -enjoy.

Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:36 pm

smokinbarrels wrote:All I can think that was causing the problem is 2 TTsystem running together on the same card and maybe tom-tom home interfering with it?

Usually attributed to user's lack of experience & patience. You'll do better next time!!

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