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Help with Tomtom Start (model1EX00)

Fri Jun 07, 2013 9:40 pm

I've got a mates Tomtom Start that is driving me crazy.
I've tried it with two official navcores from Tomtom - I've patched the ttsystem file & added the UK & RoI v910.4952 map & then also activated the map (used 2 different tools when trying it).
Even before I added the map - I turn on the tomtom - select language - the right handed - then miles - then time display, but when I select the time & press done - the bloody thing freezes up & then after a minute or two it re-starts.
I have also tried deleting everything, then using Tomtom home to get the navcores loaded.
Any ideas what I'm doing wrong or any other suggestions (apart from bin the bloody thing lol).
Before my mate asked me for help - he has also tried the v910 map & also the previous v905 map, all resulting with it freezing and re-starting after entering the time.

DeviceName=TomTom START
DeviceUniqueID=***** *****
UserLanguage=English UK

& with latest official navcore :-

DeviceName=TomTom START
DeviceUniqueID=***** *****
UserLanguage=English UK

Can anyone help me out with this one please ?

Fri Jun 07, 2013 11:13 pm

The start is one of cheapest and most restricted devices you can find.
So, since it is not your device, I suggest to give it back to your mate - you should only offer such "help" if you know exactly what you are doing.
If you don't leave it alone and let the owner take care of it.

Personally I'm starting to get sick and tired of request theat start with "I got a ... from a friend, work mate....".
Why? Not only does it show the person has no clue, but also that the person either is trying to make money or to impress someone.
I would not offer to repair a plane engine for a friend, why? Because I'm not a bloody mechanic for that!

Sat Jun 08, 2013 4:56 am

Very helpful, thanks very much, but just for your information this is the first time I have been unable to activate a map on a tomtom, and I have been updating mates Tomtom units since the early days of the Go300 . I am not making a penny out of this & I have never ever made any money from updating any of my mates units, I offered to help because he was having problems, but sorry if this seems to be a problem for you !
Usually forums like this are very helpful, I thought that is what they are all about, but sadly I am mistaken with navitotal.

Sat Jun 08, 2013 5:34 am

You are right that a forum is there to help, so is NT.
But what you decribe is helping around the corner, so to speak.
Already said the Start is one of the worst devices out there and quite often only a hard reset, clear flash and the installation through Home will get them to work.
If even that does not work (after patching of course!) it is most liekly that the electronics are starting to die.
But that is not only the case for the Start, there have been several other users with similar issues - set time and dead.
Might be worth to do a clean install after hard reset and clear flash and to wiat until the thing finds the satellites - this will set the clock.
In case that works and it still goes dead when adjusting the time to the correct loacal time (if needed) you most likely have a faulty device.

And my above statement was not personally addressed to you, check the forum for similar requests and you'll what I mean.
If I intent to be mad at a user I will tell him/her by PM ;)
So the only remaining question would be: Was it working when you got and did you make a full backup?

Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:44 am

No it was not working when I got it and he has not got a full working back up copy either. It's looking more like the device is faulty.
I've done a full format on the unit, done a hard re-set and ran the clear flash tool, then connected to Tomtom Home to get the navcore (which has not yet been patched). It still freezes and then re-starts when it gets to the setting the clock - I have tried this both manually & leaving it until it set the time itself via the satellites.

Sat Jun 08, 2013 6:57 am

I would say: Faulty.
Might be worth asking TT for a warranty check/repair or to get a X20, X30 device.
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