Sun Jun 10, 2012 10:29 pm
I know the title is not specific. So here it goes.
I biught a toyota aygo which came with a TT eclipse II / toyota II. It did not have greek interface and could not read greek maps.
After I used a navcore from the marvelous collection of downunder's, although I had greek interface and greek roads on the map (plus all the goodies that come with navcore 9), i lost two crucial features of the original navcore 7 the device original had, which were ;
1. All the sound came out from the driver's speakers when the TT was plugged in the dashboard and
2. Inside the glovebox compartment there are two cables. One to connect usb devices and one to connect apple products like ipod, ipad etc. So i could have an mp3 player which was very useful since the car's audio does not even play mp3 cds.
So my question is ;
Is there any way to get these features back ? My TT does not have hardware for FM transmission by the way. Also when I go back to the old navcore there is no speaker preferences option because it automatically transfers the sounds to the car speakers even when the car audio is off.
As for the the speaker preferences option on navcore 9 there are only two effects. Either sound coming from the speaker that is on the tomtom device or no sound at all.
And my second question ; is there any way to alter the files that contain languages and charsets so that at least i could hack the original version to have greek GUI, keyboard and road names ?
Is there any particular file that contains this data ? like for example these data.chk files or the system file ?
Oh and something that it is quite interesting is that the original navcore had a bootloader 8.0032
I know that I may not find any answer to these questions but I thank you all for your time reading this post.
Sun Jun 10, 2012 11:43 pm
What is your current map?
Tue Jun 12, 2012 3:17 am
tendriver wrote:What is your current map?
Greece 885.4008
Tue Jun 12, 2012 7:36 am
The characterset is included in the NC and can't be changed, only exception is the support for asian languages that TT supllies as different files.
Most NC's for european devices have Greek included.
As for the sound:
I suspect the sound comes either over the Lineout or by the docking station.
Have not seen any detailed pics of the device and hardware inside...
Have you tried the speaker settings in the menu to set to Lineout or FM?
Since your device is not officially supported I would try all posible speaker combinations.
If FM is present for MP3 you can play a sond and check the speaker preferences again if you now can select FM as well.
Last option would be that all is connected using a Bluetooth protokol or the car bus.
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