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Live series - map updates -

Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:11 pm

I recently got a Go 820 Live. Sometimes it amazes me, and other times I realize how limited it is.

Close by me there has been construction going on and certain roads were made one ways. Now the costruction is done and the roads are bi-directional again.

Why can't TomTom Live realize this and fix the map? - Surely hundreds of cars going up a one way in a day must set some warning flag on their servers?

Mon Jun 11, 2012 3:39 pm

T-Man wrote:Hi
I recently got a Go 820 Live. Sometimes it amazes me, and other times I realize how limited it is.

Close by me there has been construction going on and certain roads were made one ways. Now the costruction is done and the roads are bi-directional again.

Why can't TomTom Live realize this and fix the map? - Surely hundreds of cars going up a one way in a day must set some warning flag on their servers?

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