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Loading new map to a TomTom XXL?

Sat Apr 21, 2012 1:00 am


I'm a complete Noob when it comes to Sat Nav devices so any and all help would be greatly appreciated here goes....

I have a TomTom XXL IQ Routes edition purchased in the UK. I'm now planning on touring Australia for a couple of months and wanted to load up the Australian Map (not sure I want to pay the 55 quid TomTom want to charge for the priveledge !). I downloaded the Fast Loader exe / Australian map pack and having copied it over ran the .exe file. I then copied over the Australian folder to the device however when I try to switch maps the device tells me that I can't use this particular map?

Does anyone know which steps I'm missing / what I need to do.


APP: 9.430.890926.2
Map: Western and Central Europe 2GB v840.2562

Sat Apr 21, 2012 2:00 am

dtilak wrote:I have a TomTom XXL IQ Routes edition purchased in the UK. I'm now planning on touring Australia for a couple of months and wanted to load up the Australian Map (not sure I want to pay the 55 quid TomTom want to charge for the priveledge !). I downloaded the Fast Loader exe / Australian map pack and having copied it over ran the .exe file. I then copied over the Australian folder to the device however when I try to switch maps the device tells me that I can't use this particular map?

Your map didn't get patched. To patch it the way you tried, you need to put FastActivate & a copy of your device's ttgo.bif file inside the map folder, then run FA. You also must patch the navcore. You will need FastActivte Premium for that.

AutoActivate & FastActivate

Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:32 pm

Cheers Tendriver, I followed your advice and am now happily driving around with an updated Tom Tom !

Much appreciated.


Sun Apr 29, 2012 12:57 pm

dtilak wrote:Cheers Tendriver, I followed your advice and am now happily driving around with an updated Tom Tom !

Much appreciated.


Thanx for the update. Enjoy!!

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