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lon lat input xl iq 2

Sun Jul 31, 2011 8:35 am

Hi, new to forum ,and would appreciate help getting lon lat input on my "xl iq routes 2 UK and Western europe maps have tried following instructions for a one xl but can't find the setconfig file in the root folder

N.B NAVCORE VER 9.151, maps: 870.3406

Sun Jul 31, 2011 9:21 am

The setconfig file is only present if you use a SE Navcore.

Sun Jul 31, 2011 4:03 pm

hello Downunder35m ,From your responce it sems i'm trying the wrong thing . Could you offer me any assisstance to get lon lat unput onto my XL IQ ROUTES 2 . Thanks in advance for your time

Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:02 am

petegreenhorn wrote:hello Downunder35m ,From your responce it sems i'm trying the wrong thing . Could you offer me any assisstance to get lon lat unput onto my XL IQ ROUTES 2 . Thanks in advance for your time

Is it not in Main Menu, Plan Route, page 2 Latitude/Longitude?

Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:25 am

I think the model is one with limited menu options.
They can make trouble with other Navcores too, so maybe the custom tomtom.mnu file would work too here to get the missing icons back?
An example is here : :link:
and there should be another thread about this in the forum as well.

Mon Aug 01, 2011 6:30 am

tendriver wrote:Is it not in Main Menu, Plan Route, page 2 Latitude/Longitude?

Downunder35m wrote:I think the model is one with limited menu options.

You are correct. The path above is from the 2 button limited menu!!

Mon Aug 01, 2011 7:12 am

thanks tendriver for your time but followed the link's instructions , but there is no setconfig.txt file to open in order to change the model:X40 to modelid:39 . any further help appreciated

Mon Aug 01, 2011 8:12 am

Please check post #5 again.

Mon Aug 01, 2011 1:08 pm

petegreenhorn wrote:thanks tendriver for your time but followed the link's instructions , but there is no setconfig.txt file to open in order to change the model:X40 to modelid:39 . any further help appreciated

I'm assuming you meant to address this to Downunder instead of me.

Tue Aug 02, 2011 4:42 pm

Hi again after a day and a bit of searching this and another site forum still not managed to get the lon lat menu back . i added the Sdkregistry
and copyed in the TomTom.mnu file but i lost a couple of items including the plan route screen. managed to get back the original .would still like to get lon lat if it's possible. tia

n.b if it's possible to create the "setconfig.txt " file what would go in that file
Ok ,i've done some more hunting and seem to have a better idea whats needed to get the lon lat input back " it is in a particular type of "tomtom.mnu" . /my question now is , which .mnu file do i need
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