Loop of TOMTOM ONE after patching   

Loop of TOMTOM ONE after patching

Postby brascec » Sat May 06, 2017 4:59 pm

Good afternoon,
I'm quite new in this forum.
I've read many tutorials about the upgrade of TOMTOM Navcore/Maps.
I have a question to ask because I didn't find something like that in the forum.

I have a TOMTOM ONE without internal memory, only SD memory available (Version 1 ?) and 32 MB RAM
It was working using 4 GB SD with Navcore 8.544(1836/091016) operatyng system 367764,Boot 5.5136 and map "Western_And_Central_Europe_880.3810"

Now I used a new formatted 8 Gb SD card.
I've put the card in the computer SD interface, I copied Navcore 9.700 on SD, then I put in the TOMTOM and I switched on in order to generate file ttgo.bif and this was OK.
Then I put FASTACTVATE in the root of SD card and I patched the Navcore (Option 3) and this was OK
After that I copied on the SD card (in the computer SD interface)the 2 map folders : "Europe_South_985_8155" and "Greece_985_8155"
I put the SD card in the TOMTOM, I switched ON and I could see the 2 maps with the expected message "You cannot use these maps" ( because they were not patched).
I put again the SD card in the computer, I started FASTACTIVATE and then option 2 (Patch maps,Voices,...) and the result was OK for both maps.
I put the SD in the TOMTOM, switched ON, but it is looping showing 2 general messages for the user(about responsability and warnings) and then restarting again and again..

My question is : what can I do to solve this problem ?
I made the previous procedure several times, also with different SD cards (4 & 8 Gb).
Can be this a problem of bootloader ? I didn't find information about compatibility betwen Navcores and bootloader versions.
I downloaded also the voices from this site (TomTom Standard Voices by Fredderf) but I get the message that the file voices.rar is unknown or damaged.
Thanks to anyone can help me
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Re: Loop of TOMTOM ONE after patching

Postby fredderf » Sun May 07, 2017 1:23 pm

The reason is because your TT One is only a 32MB RAM model and you're trying to run an old truck navcore with fully featured maps on it....your device doesn't have enough RAM to sustain that amount of load which forces a reboot. If you want to use fully featured maps on an older 32MB device, you need to use a specially modified navcore that has an inbuilt swap file which will get over this limitation. We always recommend NC 9.510 for this.

Holyhead's navcores are always good so hopefully he will read this and be able to give you a link to an appropriate NC for your situation...if not, I will try and find one for you myself.

Secondly, your problem with my Standard Voices upload is due to your version of WinRAR being out of date. It does say on the page that your installed WinRAR must be at least version 5.0 to extract that file but the current version is 5.40, so I recommend updating to that level and you'll have no further problems.
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Re: Loop of TOMTOM ONE after patching

Postby fredderf » Mon May 08, 2017 2:58 pm

If you don't know what the differences are between the maps, you can read the tutorial here

Download Holyhead's NC 9.510 for 32MB devices from [Please Register or Login to download file]
With this navcore you can keep the two advanced maps you've already downloaded and you won't have any more problems running out of RAM.
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