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No Map Found 880.3868 ????

Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:22 pm

Hi can any one shed any light on this please ???

I've updated me Sat Nav, (regularly update maps etc, with no problems what so ever)

I'm running on 7910.9185, have just installed the latest map 880.3868

I've tried several times to update, using Fastactive & the TT Keygen (yes this is old, but I prefer it) everything appears fine, get my me meta code etc

however once I turn on my Navigo Sat Nav, I get the message No maps found

any one shed any light ????

Sun Dec 04, 2011 10:49 pm

bignred wrote:however once I turn on my Navigo Sat Nav, I get the message No maps found

This is the classic message, telling you that your navcore is not patched.

Double posting not allowed. You don't get help any faster, and it makes the Mod's job harder. Your double has been deleted.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:00 pm

tendriver wrote:This is the classic message, telling you that your navcore is not patched.

apologises, I was in such a rush to post, maybe I'm not making things clear

I've had this sat nav for several years

I update with the latest maps every 3 months (so the navcore is patched)

my previous map 875.3615, running on the same navcore, works fine both before trying the new map and works after I delete the latest map

previously when ever new maps come out, usually its straight forward, install map, update via keygen or fastactive
however the latest map is coming back with the message NO Map Found ???

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:15 pm

What TT model are we talking about?

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:24 pm

tendriver wrote:What TT model are we talking about?

Its a Navigo Sat Nav, patched to TomTom running off 7.910.9185, with map 875.3615

it runs fine both before I install the latest map and after I delete it ????

usually just check the map compatibility chart, find a map to suit Navcore in this case 880.3868
update and I'm away, until today when NO MAP FOUND was the message

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:29 pm

I've installed UK&ROI V880.3868 on several Windows CE devices, Could be a corrupted download or I've noticed some older patchers no longer seem to work anymore. Try downloading again and then use the latest AutoActivate.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:30 pm

bignred wrote:Its a Navigo Sat Nav, patched to TomTom running off 7.910.9185, with map 875.3615

it runs fine both before I install the latest map and after I delete it ????

usually just check the map compatibility chart, find a map to suit Navcore in this case 880.3868
update and I'm away, until today when NO MAP FOUND was the message

What area are you covering with 3868?

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:38 pm

tendriver wrote:What area are you covering with 3868?


during this evening, I've tried a new downloaded map still the same message (I've also formatted the SD card) still the same message

hence I'm puzzled, never had a problem before, its working fine now, with previous map ????

I'm in the process of downloading another map 880.3866

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:45 pm

bignred wrote:

I'm in the process of downloading another map 880.3866

Just for grins, confirm that there is a .meta.dct file in the 3868 folder.

Sun Dec 04, 2011 11:58 pm

tendriver wrote:Just for grins, confirm that there is a .meta.dct file in the 3868 folder.

got that !!!!!!!!!!

the strange thing is,
I've used 2 different keygen's
1 x TTKeygen2009V4.1D, yes I know this is outdated, but I prefer this (no hassle with losing voices)

I've also tried the latest fastactive, using both of these I get the meta updates. speedcam etc, evrything appears fine

using either of the above generates the .meta.dct file in the 880.3868 folder as well

until I turn the dam thing on

baffled ??????, I am

Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:06 am

Problem solved (after several hours)

just tried a different map, 880.3866, worked first time

god knows what it was with 380.3868, as I tried several options, all failed

anyway, thanks for your posts/advice etc, appreciated

Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:13 am

I'm as baffled as you are, I'm using V880.3868 on four Windows CE/Mobile devices in my household and have installed it on several others as well.


Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:18 am

The only answer is a corrupt 3868 download. Not to worry. There is no significant difference between 3868 & 3866.

Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:22 am

Fatboyfun wrote:I'm as baffled as you are, I'm using V880.3868 on four Windows CE/Mobile devices in my household and have installed it on several others as well.


Your baffled, believe me, I'm baffled as well

have tried several maps in previous updates, never had a problem
tried 2 different downloaded versions of 880.3868 tonight, still wouldn't work

tried a different map (880.3866), it worked first time, strange, very strange

Oh well, all sorted now, thanks again to all

Mon Dec 05, 2011 12:27 am

The TT Team sez, "You are Welcome. Enjoy!!".
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